HS 231                                                                                  No. of hrs/week = 02

                                                                                                No. of credits  = 02

1. INTRODUCTION :  Scope of industrial Psychology, methodology, limitations of industrial psychology.                                                                                                        (2)

2.  PERSONAL PSYCHOLOGY : Human needs in industry, job analysis and job requirements.  Personnel selection and appraisal - aptitude test, test of personality, interests and achievement tests.  Performance appraisal.  Employee training.                            (8)

3.  HUMAN FACTORS PSYCHOLOGY : Work environment, equipment and work design, human error.  Accidents and safety, engineering psychology.                                      (8)

4. HUMAN RELATIONS PSYCHOLOGY : Behavioral management theories-McGregor, Hertzberg, Lickert.  Leadership and management development.                              (8)

5. ORGANIZATION PSYCHOLOGY : Decision making in an organization, effective group functioning, motivation and job satisfaction, attitudes and behaviour, morale, personnel counseling.                                                                                                            (8)

6. CONSUMER PSYCHOLOGY : Basis of consumer behaviour, data collection
methods, marketing research, advertising effectiveness, selling.                                  (6)


1.         Psychology in industrial organization - LAURENCE SIEGEL & IRWING M.LANE.

2.         Industrial psychology - JOSEPH TIFFIN, ERNEST J.McCORMICK.

3.         Industrial psychology - THOMAS W.HARREL.

4.         Industrial psychology - B.VON HALLER GILMER.