HS 243                                                                                  No. of hrs/week=04

                                                                                                No. of credits=04

Course Objective:

The course provides some basic inputs pertaining to micro and macro economics.

1)         Introduction-What is Economics-Micro Economics and Macro Economics, Importance of Economic Analysis, Scope of Economic Analysis.                                                   06 hrs

2)        Demand Analysis- Utility analysis of demand, marginal utility, law of Diminishing marginal utility, relevance of utility analysis.                                                                    08 hrs

3)        Demand Analysis – law of demand factors influencing demand, exceptions to law of demand, Indifference curve analysis.                                                                06 hrs

4)     Cost concepts and cost output relationship.                                                      06 hrs

5)        Production Analysis – Law of variable proportions, Law of return to scale.  06 hrs

6)        Market structure – Perfect competition monopoly monopolistic competition oligopoly                                                                                                                                     08 hrs

7)        National income concept – GNP, GDP, NNP, NDP                                         06 hrs

8)     Monetary Policy & Fiscal Policy                                                                                    04 hrs

9)     Inflation – causes for Inflation, measures to control Inflation.                      04 hrs

10)   Business cycle – Phases of business cycle, Measures to reduce the impact of business cycle.                                                                                                                            06 hrs

Suggested Readings:

1)           D.M. Mithani – Managerial Economics, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi, 2000.

2)           D.M. Mithani & VRS Murthy- Fundamentals of Business Economics, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi, 1988.

3)          Mankar & Pallai – Business and Managerial Economics, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi, 1985.