MA 242                                                                                     No. of hrs/week=04                                                                                             No of credits. = 04

Basic concepts of set theory,  basic  concepts of probability, Baye’s theorem, Random variables – one & higher dimensional, mean and variance, covariance and correlation co-efficient, curve fitting.

Probability Distributions: Binomial, Hypergeometric, Uniform, Poisson, Exponential, Normal, Normal approximation to Binomial distribution. Sampling distribution and Central Limit theorem, point and interval estimation of the mean, tests of Hypothesis about large and small samples.


Frequency distributions, mean and variance of the sample, sampling distributions, central limit theorem, point and interval estimations of the mean, tests of hypothesis about the large and small samples.


Set theory, mathematical induction, principles of inclusion and exclusion, logic, propositions, permutations, combinations, relations, function, partial ordering relations, lattices, chains, artichains, principles of duality, distributive, complemented lattices, Boolean lattices, Boolean expressions, logical circuits, switching circuits, elements of graph theory - basic terminology, multigraphs, weighted graphs, paths circuits, trees.



Introductory probability and statistical applications - P.L.Meyer Addison Wesley Publishing Co.

Introduction to mathematical statistics - IV Edn. (1989 - Robert V.Hogg & Allen T.Craig, Macmillan Publishing Company.

Elements of Discrete mathematics - C.L. Liu, II Edn. (1985) McGraw - Hill International Editions.

Graph Theory - Harary, Narosa Publishers.

Graph Theory - Narsing Deo, Prentice Hall India

Discrete Mathematical structures - Trembley and Manohar, Tata Mcgraw Hill