ME 122                                                                     No. of hrs/week = 03 + 03

                                                                                                        No. of credits  = 04

1.  Fluid Properties :

      Definition and properties of fluids. Simple problems on viscosity, capillarity, surface tension, mass density, specific weight, specific gravity.                                 - 3 hrs.


2.   Fluid statics.

      Intensity of pressure, pressure variation in static incompressible and compressible fluids, Isothermal and isentropic conditions, manometers, simple, differential, inclined, inverted and micro-manometers. Hydrostatic forces and center of pressure on submerged plane surfaces and curved surfaces. Buoyancy Equilibrium of floating bodies, determination of metacentric height analytical problems.                        -12 hrs.


3.  Kinematics and Dynamics of Fluid motion :

      Methods describing the fluid motion, classification of flow, stream line, path line, velocity potential, stream function, rotational and irrotational motion, control volume formulation, continuity equation for steady 3-D flow, acceleration of fluid particle, Euler’s equation of motion for 3-D flow, Bernoulli’s theorem for steady incompressible fluid, Venturimeter, orifice meter, pitot tube for measuring velocity in pipes.  -12 hrs.


4.  Flow of Compressible ideal Fluid :

       Euler's equation and energy equation as applied to compressible fluid flow. Gas laws,     velocity of sound in a fluid medium. Pressure field due to a moving source, stagnation and sonic properties, effect of area variation on flow properties in isentropic flow , isentropic flow in a converging nozzle and converging – diverging nozzle.                                         - 6 hrs.


5. Flow of Real Fluid :

      Laminar flow through circular pipe- Hagen Poiseuille equation, Turbulent flow in pipes, shear stress in turbulent flow, Prandtl’s boundary layer theory, Boundary layer along a long thin plate, hydro-dynamically smooth and rough boundaries, velocity distribution for turbulent flow in pipes- hydro-dynamically smooth and rough pipes, velocity distribution in terms of mean velocity for smooth and rough pipes, variation of friction factor ‘f’ for laminar flow, variation of friction factor for turbulent flow in smooth pipes and rough pipes.                                                                                                                                - 6 hrs.

6. Fluid flow in pipes :

      Equation  for head loss in pipes due to friction- DARCY-WEISBATCH equation, energy losses in pipes – major loss and minor loss, flow through long pipes, pipes in series, equivalent pipe, pipes in parallel branched pipes.                                                        - 5 hrs.

7. Dimensional analysis and similitude: Rayleigh method, Buckingham p method for dimensional analysis, model investigation, similitude- types of similarities, similarity laws.                                                                                                                                                              - 5 hrs.




1.         Impact of jet.

2.         Venturi meter.

3.         Orifice.

4.         Friction loss in pipes.

5.         Orifice meter.

6.         'V' Notch.

7.         Rectangular notch.

8.         Hydraulic ram

9.         Pelton turbine

10        Volute syphon