C++ And Object-Oriented Programming


CS-111                                                                        NO. OF HOURS/WEEK=04+03



  1. Introduction to Computers:

Block diagram of a computer, computer memories, operating system basics

                                                                                                             (2 Hrs.)

      2.   Algorithms and Flowcharts:

Definitions, symbols of flowcharts, examples of flowcharts and algorithms for a variety of problems ranging from the reasonably simple ones such as finding the largest of 3 Nos., largest of “n” numbers to relatively complicated problems such as Matrix Operations including Matrix.                                                                        (4 Hrs.)


      3.   Beginning with C++:

Applications of C++,  sample program, C++ statements, class example, structure of C++ program, creating the source file, compiling and linking.                                     (1 Hr.)


  1. Tokens, expressions and control structures:

Tokens, keywords, identifiers and constants, basic data types, user defined data types,   derived data types, symbolic constants, type compatibility, declaration of variables, dynamic initialization, reference variables, operators, scope resolution operator, member de-referencing operators, memory management operators,   manipulators, type cast operator, expressions and  their types, special assignment expressions, implicit conversions, operator overloading, operator precedence, control structures.                                                                                                                                                                                                             (8 Hrs.)

  1. Principles of OOP:

Software crisis, evolution, POP, OOP, Basic concepts of OOP, Benefits of OOP, Object oriented languages.                                                                                                    (2 Hrs.)


  1. Functions:

Main function, function prototyping, call by reference, return by reference, inline functions, default arguments, const arguments, function overloading, friend and virtual functions, math library functions.                                                                                    (5 Hrs.)


  1. Classes and Objects:

C structures, specifying a class, member functions, inline functions, private functions, nesting of member functions, arrays within a class, memory allocation, static members and functions, arrays of objects, friendly functions, const member functions, pointers to members, local classes.                                                                                      (6 Hrs.)


      8.   Constructors and Destructors:

            Parameterized, default, multiple, copy, dynamic constructors, dynamic  initialization of  objects, 2D arrays, const objects, destructors.                                       (3 Hrs.)


  1. Operator overloading and type conversions:

Unary and binary operator overloading, using friends, string manipulation, type conversions.                                                                                                                    (6 Hrs.)


10. Inheritance:

Derived classes, single inheritance, multilevel, multiple, hierarchical inheritance, hybrid, virtual base classes, abstract classes, constructors, member classes.                          (5 Hrs.)


      11. Pointers, virtual functions and polymorphism:

            Pointers, this pointer, derived classes pointers, virtual functions, pure virtual  Functions.                                                                                                             (5 Hrs.)


  1. Beginning with Java:

Class fundamentals, declaring objects, assigning object reference variables, introducing methods, constructors, the this keyword, garbage collection, the finalize() method, a stack class.                                                                                                                        (5 Hrs.)


  Text books:


1.      Object Oriented Programming with C++, E. Balaguruswamy, 2nd Edition, Tata

McGraw Hill Publication.

2.      The Complete Reference – Java2, 5th Edition, Herbert Schildt, Tata McGraw

Hill  Publications.

3.      Computer Programming in C – V. Rajaraman.




1.      Programming with C++ - Herbert Schildt.

            2.  C++ Programming Language, 3rd Edition, Addison Wesley; Bjarne Stroutstrup




Familiarization with MATLAB and MS-ACCESS   ( 2 WEEKS)

Problems based on C++ programming  (10 WEEKS)