Digital computer block diagram, Microprocessor concepts, History, Microprocessor operations, Memory and I/O devices, Programming concepts, Assembly language, Machine language, Assemblers, Compilers 3 hrs
Intel 8085 microprocessor programming model, Architecture, Instruction set, Addressing modes, Data transfer operation, Arithmetic and Logic operations, Flag register, Program flow control, Flowcharting, Algorithm development, Programming exercises, Stack concepts, Subroutines, Modular programming, Parameter passing, Counters and time delays. 12 hrs
Interrupt concepts, Hardware and software interrupts, Concept of bus, Bus operations, Timing diagrams, Interfacing concepts, Polled I/O, Interrupt I/O, Programmable peripheral interface devices, Interfacing A/D converters and D/A converters, Direct memory access, Serial I/O. 10 hrs
Microcontroller concepts, History, Block diagram of typical microcontroller, Programming model of Motorola 68HC11, Instruction set, Addressing modes, Arithmetic, logic and other operations, Program flow control, Stack & subroutines, Programming exercises 10 hrs
On-chip I/O resources of 68HC11, Crystal oscillator, Parallel I/O ports, Handshaking, Reset and hardware interrupts, Serial communication interface, Programmable timer, A/D conversion, Memory address decoding, Practical interfacing programs, Keypad interfacing techniques 10 hrs
Text books:
Programs to be written using 6800 and 68HC11 instruction set and are to be verified using THRSim11 Simulator.
Interfacing experiments using 8085 processor.