PH 111                                                                        No. of Hrs/week=04+03

                                                            No. of credits=05


Gravitation:                                                                                                                                [8 Hrs]

Origin of the law of gravitation; Newton’s law of universal  gravitation – the vector force; the gravitational constant G; gravitation near the earth’s surface; the two shell theorems – proof of the shell theorems; gravitational potential energy – calculating the potential energy, escape speed, potential energy of many particle systems; the motions of planets and satellites – energy considerations in planetary and satellite motion.


Oscillations:                                                                                                                                [4 Hrs]

Oscillating systems; the simple harmonic oscillator; simple harmonic motion (SHM); energy in SHM;   applications of SHM – the torsional oscillator, the simple pendulum, the physical pendulum; simple harmonic motion and uniform circular motion; damped harmonic  motion – mathematical analysis; forced oscillations and resonance; two body oscillations.


Wave motion:                                                                                                                              [4 Hrs]

Mechanical waves; types of waves; traveling waves – sinusoidal waves, transverse velocity of a particle, phase and phase constant; wave speed on a stretched string – mechanical analysis; the wave equation; energy in wave motion – power and intensity in wave motion; the principle of superposition;  interference of waves; standing waves – reflection at a boundary; standing waves and resonance – resonance in the stretched string.


Sound waves:                                                                                                                                  [4 Hrs]

Properties of sound waves; traveling sound waves – sound as a displacement wave; the speed of sound; power and intensity of sound waves; interference of sound waves; standing longitudinal waves; vibrating systems and sources of sound – vibrating strings, vibrating air columns, other vibrating systems; beats; the Doppler effect – moving observer Source at rest, moving source Observer at rest, both source and observer moving.


Interference of light:                                                                                                                              [5 Hrs]

Two source interference; Double slit interference – Young’s double slit experiment; coherence; intensity in double slit interference – adding wave disturbances; interference from thin films – phase change on reflection, equations for thin film interference; Michelson’s interferometer.


Diffraction of light and diffraction gratings:                                                                            [5 Hrs]

Diffraction and the wave theory of light; Single slit diffraction; intensity in single slit diffraction  - calculating intensity (phasor derivation); diffraction at a circular aperture; double slit interference  and diffraction combined – phasor derivation for intensity due to double slit.


Gratings and spectra:                                                                                                                    [2 Hrs]

Multiple slits – width of the maxima, the secondary maxima; diffraction gratings; dispersion and resolving power – resolving power.


Temperature:                                                                                                                                          [3 Hrs]

Temperature and thermal equilibrium – temperature; temperature scales – the Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature scales; measuring temperatures – the constant volume gas thermometer, the international temperature scale; thermal expansion; the ideal gas.



Molecular properties of gases:                                                                                               [3 Hrs]

The atomic nature of matter – properties of ideal gas; a molecular view of pressure; the mean free path; the distribution of molecular speeds – consequences of the speed distribution, experimental verification of the Maxwell speed distribution; the distribution of molecular energies; equations of state for real gases – the Virial expansion, the van der Waals equation of state.


The first law of thermodynamics:                                                                                             [6 Hrs]                                                                                                 

Heat: energy in transit; the transfer of heat – thermal conduction, convection, radiation; the first law of thermodynamics; heat capacity and specific heat – heats of transformation, heat capacities of solids; work done on or by an ideal gas – work done at constant volume, work done at constant pressure, work done at constant temperature, work done in thermal isolation; the internal energy of an ideal gas – molar heat capacities of solids; heat capacities of an ideal gas – molar heat capacity at constant volume, molar heat capacity at constant pressure; applications of first law of thermodynamics – adiabatic processes, isothermal processes, constant volume processes, cyclical processes, free expansion.


Entropy and the second law of thermodynamics:                                                                            [4 Hrs]

One way processes; defining entropy change; entropy change for irreversible processes; the second law of thermodynamics; entropy and the performance of engines – a Carnot engine, the Carnot cycle, efficiency of Carnot engine, search for “perfect” engine, other reversible engines; entropy and the performance of refrigerators – search for a perfect refrigerator; the efficiencies of real engines; the second law revisited;  A statistical view of entropy – entropy and disorder.


Texts / Reference: Resnick, Halliday, Krane; Physics, Vol 1 (5th edition)

                                                Halliday, Resnick, Krane; Physics, Vol 2 (5th edition)




01.Melde's experiment

02. Helmoholtz resonator

03. Kundt's tube

04. Ultrasonic interferometer

05. Linear expansion

06. Specific heat of a solid

07. Latent heat of fusion of ice

08. Torsional pendulum

09. Law of conservation of energy

10. Prism spectrometer

11. Biprism

12. Air-wedge

13.Michelson's Interferometer (Demo.)