PH 121                                                                                   No. of hrs/week = 04+03

                                                                                                No. of credits  = 05


Electric charge and Coulomb’s law:


Electric charge - Conductors and insulators - Coulomb’s law - Continuous charge distributions - Uniform line of charge - Ring of charge - Disk of charge - Conservation of charge .         – 4 hrs


Electric Field:

Electric field - Electric field of point charges - Electric dipole - Electric field of continuous charge distributions - Uniform line of charge - Uniform ring or disk of charge - Infinite sheet of charge - Uniform spherical shell of charge.  Electric field lines - Point charge in an electric field – Measuring the elementary charge - Dipole in an electric field.                                                –4 hrs


Gauss’ Law:

Flux of a vector field - Flux of the electric field - Flux and lines of field.  Gauss’ law - Applications of gauss’ law- Infinite line of charge - Infinite sheet of charge - Spherical shell of charge - Gauss’ law and conductors - Charge on interior surfaces, electric field outside the conductor - Experimental test of Gauss’ law and coulomb’s law.                                              –4 hrs


Electric potential energy and potential:

Potential energy - Electric potential energy - Electric potential - Calculating the potential from the field - Potential due to point charges - Potential due to a collection of point charges -  Potential due to an electric dipole - Electric potential of continuous charge distributions - Uniform line of charge - Ring of charge - Disk of charge -  Calculating the field from the potential - Equipotential surfaces- Field lines and equipotential surfaces - Potential of a charged conductor.                                                                                                                               –4 hrs


Electrical properties of materials:

Types of materials - Conductor in an electric field: static conditions - Conductor in an electric field: Dynamic conditions – Current density and drift speed.  Ohmic materials - Ohm’s law - microscopic view - Insulator in an electric field.                                                                –3 hrs



Capacitors – Capacitance - Calculating the capacitance – Parallel plate capacitor – Spherical capacitor – Cylindrical capacitor -   Capacitors in series and parallel -   Energy storage in an electric field - Capacitor with dielectric – Dielectric and Gauss’ law.                            – 4 hrs


DC Circuits:

Electric current - Electromotive force - Analysis of circuits – Potential differences in a circuit – Internal resistance of a source of EMF - Electric fields in circuits - Resistors in series and parallel - Energy transfers in an electric circuit -  RC circuits.                                         –5 hrs


Magnetic field:

Magnetic interactions and magnetic poles – Magnetism and moving charges - Magnetic force on a moving charge -  Circulating charges -  Cyclotron – Magnetic mirror - Hall effect - Magnetic force on a current carrying wire - Torque on a current loop.                                –4 hrs


Magnetic field of a current:

Magnetic field due to a moving charge -  Magnetic field of a current – Straight wire segment – Circular current loop -  Two parallel currents – Interaction of between parallel currents -   Magnetic field of a solenoid -  Ampere’s law – Long straight wire – Solenoid – Toroid.    – 5 hrs


Faraday’s law of induction:

Faraday’s experiments - Faraday’s law of induction - Lenz’ law - Motional EMF – Eddy currents - Generators and motors - Induced electric fields – Induced EMF and potential difference – Betatron .                                                                                                                                   –5 hrs


Magnetic Properties of materials:

Magnetic dipole – Field of a dipole - Force on a dipole in a non uniform field – Induced magnetic dipole moments - Atomic and nuclear magnetism - Magnetization - Magnetic materials – Para magnetism – Diamagnetism – Ferromagnetism – Hysteresis and magnetic domains - Gauss’ Law for magnetism – Magnetic monopoles.                                            –3 hrs



Inductance - Calculating the inductance – Inductance of a solenoid and a Toroid – Inductors with magnetic materials -   LR circuits - Energy storage in a magnetic field – Energy density and the magnetic field.                                                                                                           -3hrs


Text book:


Physics – Halliday, Resnick and Krane - vol 2 – 5th edition.




1. Euipotential surfaces

2. Use of CRO

3. Field along the axis of a coil

4. e/m - Thomson's method

5. Hall effect

6. Desauty bridge

7. Maxwell's bridge

8. RC time constant

9. Series and parallel resonance circuit

10. Rectifier & filter circuit

11. Current balance

12. Newton’s ring

13. Diffraction grating

14. Hysteresis

15.Temperature co-efficient of resistance

16.Ohm’s law & verification of laws of resistance