Sample Matlab Code

* A very simple script (program). Plot the sine function.
* Running average function and its demonstration driver. Demonstrates the current (post v. 7.7)  way to seed and use Matlab random number generators. Function (runAve.m). Driver (runAveTest.m).
* This example demonstrates the use of the textscan function to read complex text files. It also includes examples of cell and structure array usage. The problem solved involve reading and processing hypothetical cell culture data. The example includes a text data file, a Matlab script (.m file) and sample command window output.
* This example demonstrates how the appearance of a plot can be programmatically modified using handle graphics. It includes a brief reference document (HandleGraphicsIntro.pdf), a simple script for creating a plot to modify (plotMake.m) and the script that conditionally modifies it (plotMod.m).

Send comments and suggestions about this course to: Charles S. Tritt, Ph.D.
This page last updated 11/15/10