BE-352 Term Paper and Presentation

You are to each write a research paper as an introduction to a general class of modern medical devices. The audience for your paper is the general public. Imagine your paper will be placed in physians' offices to educate patients. Topics you should address in your paper include (not necessarily in order) a brief history of the devices, their current use (including why they are important), their physiological basis, their basic operating principle (or principles) and anything else you think the public, your classmates and I would find interesting.

During the ninth week of the quarter you will present the results of your research to the class. I expect your presentation to be professional and to include plenty of visual aids.

Details of the Assignment

The papers are to be 3000 to 5000 words long and should in include plenty of illustrations. You should cite all sources you use in a list of references at the end of your paper. I would expect your sources to include at least several of the following: your text book or other biomedical engineering text books, popular medical encyclopedias or guides, popular press articles (newspapers or magazines), world wide web sources (give both the URL and some indication of the author or sponsor), company literature (I strongly urge you to identify and contact companies that make the types of devices you are researching and request literature from them) and personal interviews.

Possible Topics

Pulse OximetersMedical Lasers (any subcategory)Engineered Tissues (any type)
Robotic SurgeryTympanic Membrane ThermometersMagnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Computer Aided Tomography (CAT or CT scans)Nuclear MedicineSingle-Photon Emission CT
Positron Emission TomographyInfrared ImaginingInfant Incubators
VentilatorsIntravenous pumpsHemodialysis equipment
Artificial lungs (blood oxygenators)Cardiac assist devices (VAD's etc.)Electrocardiographs (ECG's)
Electroencephalographs (EEG's)Electromyographs (EMG's)Plasma (blood) glucose monitors
Cardiac stress test equipmentTranscutaneouns electric nerve stumulators (TENS units)Defibrillators (including newer automatic ones)
Cardiac pacemakersBone densitometersCochlear prostheses
AngiographyAngioplasyUltrasonic imaging (ultrasound)
Ultrasonic flow measurementCardiac pacers (pacemakers)Artificial joints (hips, knees, etc.)

You may choose a topic not on this list with the instructor's approval.

Key Dates

9/14Topics Selected (selections may be made earlier and are on a first come - first served)
10/19Drafts accepted for review
11/9Final papers due

Send comments and suggestions about this assignment to: Dr. Charles S. Tritt
This page last updated 9/6/98