Learning Objectives - Endocrine System

BI-374, Spring '06, Dr. C. S. Tritt

Be able to define the term hormone.

Be able to explain the difference between endocrine and exocrine glands.

Be able to contrast the endocrine and nervous systems with respect to their speed, adaptation, persistence and size of area of effect.

Be able to name 4 organs with at least some significant endocrine function.

Be able to describe a single endocrine organ in some detail  (your answer should include the major hormone or hormones the organ produces, tissue or tissues this hormone or hormones act on and the nature of this action or these actions and the role the organ plays in overall homeostasis (not hemostasis!))

Be able to suggest two possible reasons (benefits of) the hypothalamus secretes hormones that affect the anterior pituitary and the anterior pituitary secretes hormones that affect secretion form other glands.

Be able to explain in general what a portal circulation involves (your answer should describe both the hypothalamo-hypophyseal system and the hepatic portal circulation).