Learning Objectives - Pulmonary Physiology - Version 1.1

BI-374, Spring '06, Dr. C. S. Tritt

Respiratory Mechanics

Be able to explain the technical difference between ventilation and respiration.

Be able to sketch (and label) the major structures of the respiratory system.

Know whether inspiration or expiration is normally active.

Be able to name the muscles involved in normal inspiration.

Know what the gas pressure in an alveolus is when there is no gas flow in the open airways.

Know what separates the inspired gases from the blood in the thin portions of the alveolar walls.

Be able to describe in words and in a diagram the following lung volumes: FRC, TV, IC, IRV, TLC, ERV, RV, VC, MICKEY and MOUSE.

Know the shape of the normal compliance versus volume relationship for the lungs (including the effects of historesis) .

Be able to explain the compliance versus volume relationship in terms of biological structures.

Be able to explain the difference between tissue and surface forces in the lungs.

Be able to name and describe three types of cells typically found in alveoli.

Be able to name and describe 5 types or patterns of ventilation.

Know what surfactants are in general.

Know the function of the natural surfactant (dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine) in the lungs.

Be able to use Laplace's equation (P = 2T/r).

Know the significance of the FRC in terms of lung and chest wall recoil forces.

Know the various factors that can effect airway caliber.

Know how ventilation rates are typically distributed in the lungs.

Be able to describe the forces and processes involved in the formation of pulmonary edema (but you don't have to know specific numeric values).

Pulmonary Circulation

Know the source of the blood flowing to the lungs and its destination upon leaving the lungs.

Know how the capillary pressure changes with position in the lungs and how these changes effects local blood flow rates.

Know the effect of alveolar hypoxia in local blood flow in the lungs and the proposed mechanism of this effect.

Know whether under normal conditions fluids leak in to or out of pulmonary capillaries (see pulmonary edema question above).

Know if lymph is normally generated or consumed by the lungs.

Know the source and destination of the bronchial vessels.

Know the normal distribution of perfusion in the lungs.

Gas Exchange in the Lungs

Be able to calculate the volume of oxygen absorbed by the blood based on inspired and expired gas volumes and compositions.

Be able to explain what dead space is in general and the difference between anatomical and physiological dead space.

Be able to explain the concept of alveolar ventilation.

Be able to explain the difference between hypoxic hypoxia, anemic hypoxia, ischemic (a.k.a. circulatory) hypoxia and histotoxic hypoxia.

Be able to explain the concept of ventilation-perfusion ratio and explain why this ratio has an "optimal value."

Be able to explain the concept of physiological shunt in the lungs.

Be able to explain the difference between perfusion limited and diffusion limited gas transfer in the lungs.

Be able to explain why the transport of carbon dioxide in the lungs in rarely diffusion limited in spite of its diffusivity being lower than that of oxygen.

Be able to describe how the alveolar gas composition can be easily measured.

Be able to explain what the respiratory quotient (a.k.a. the respiratoy exchange ratio) is and why it is of interest.

Be able to discuss the factors involved in reabsorption of gas emboli.

Control of Breathing

Be able to explain the difference between the natural rhythmicity of the heart and breathing.

Be able to name and briefly describe the major factors that influence ventilation rate.

Be able to name the parts of the brain involving in controlling respiration.

Be able to name and differentiate between the two types of chemorecptors (i.e., central vrs peripheral).

Be able to describe the primary role of each type of chemoreceptor in the control of breathing.

Be able to explain the role of thoracic mechanoreceptors in the control of breathing.