C Language Summary

Version 2.1
Portions © Copyright 1996-1997, Charles S. Tritt, Ph.D.
Last updated 2/27/97

Table of Contents

Arrays Break Case (see Switch)
Cast Comments Constants
Continue Data Types #Define
Do While Enum For
Functions If Initializing in Definitions
Keywords Pointers Operators and Precedence
Return Sizeof Standard Headers
Storage Classes Structures Switch
Typedef Type Qualifiers Union
Void While Bibliographic References


An array is defined by writing the data type followed by the name followed by the size in brackets; for example,

int x[20];
double car[ROWS][COLS];

In the first case, the variables x[0], x[1], ... ,x[19] are created. In the second case, a 2-D array (matrix) is created. In C, array names without the brackets are pointers.

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When the statement


is encountered, the innermost while, do while, for, or switch construct is terminated.

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The cast operator is written as


where type is a data type. When the cast operator is executed, the operand is converted to type. As examples, if we write:

int i = 2;
float x;
x = (float) i;

the value of i is converted to float and copied into x. If we write:

struct node {
   char* data;
   struct node* link;

struct node* ptr;
ptr = malloc(sizeof (struct node));

storage for one structure whose members are data and link is allocated by the library function malloc. The address of this storage is assigned to ptr.

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A C comment is delimited by /* and */.

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Integer constants may be written in decimal:

130	45	88203

An integer constant that begins with 0 (zero) is an octal number:

0130	045

A sequence of digits preceded by 0X or 0x is a hexadecimal number:

0x90A	0Xf2

Either lowercase a through f or uppercase A through F is acceptable.

An integer constant may be terminated by u or U, to indicate that it is unsigned, or by l or L to indicate that it is long. If a decimal constant is not terminated with either u, U, l, or L, it is the first of the types int, long, or unsigned long in which its value can be represented. If an octal or hexadecimal constant is not terminated with either u, U, l, or L, it is the first of the types int, unsigned int, long, or unsigned long in which its value can be represented. If a decimal, octal, or hexadecimal constant is terminated with either u or U, it is the first of the types unsigned int or unsigned long in which its value can be represented. If a decimal, octal, or hexadecimal constant is terminated with either l or L, it is the first of the types long or unsigned long in which its value can be represented. If a decimal, octal, or hexadecimal constant is terminated with either l or L and u or U, it is of type unsigned long.

A floating-point constant consists of a string of digits (integral part) followed by a decimal point followed by a string of digits (fractional part) followed by an integer exponent. The integer exponent is e or E optionally followed by + or followed by a string of digits. Either the integral part or the fractional part, but not both, may be omitted. Either the decimal point or the integer exponent, but not both, may be omitted. Examples of floating-point constants are:

2.0	4.3e4	9.21E9	13.E+4	4e3	.390

A floating-point constant may be terminated by f or F to indicate that it is a float or by l or L to indicate that it is a long double. If a floating-point constant is not terminated with either f, F, l, or L, it is of type double.

A char constant is delimited by single quotation marks, for example, 'Y'.

A string constant is delimited by double quotation marks, for example,

"This is a string constant."

C recognizes the following escape sequences in character and string constants:

\aRing bell (alert)
\rCarriage return
\tHorizontal tab
\vVertical tab
\'Single quote
\"Double quote
\?Question mark
\dddOctal constant
\xhhHexadecimal constant

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When the statement


is encountered in a while or do while loop, control passes to the condition that determines whether to execute the body of the loop again. When the statement


is encountered in a for loop, control passes to the update statement, expr3, in

for (expr1; expr2; expr3) body

Then expr2 is evaluated to determine whether to execute body again.

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Data Types

The integer data types are char, short int (which may be abbreviated short), int, and long int (which may be abbreviated long). The sizes of these data types satisfy

sizeof(char) <= sizeof(short) <= sizeof(int) <= sizeof(long)

The signed integer types are signed char, signed short int, signed int, and signed long int. In addition, the unsigned integer types unsigned char, unsigned short int, unsigned int (which may be abbreviated unsigned), and unsigned long int are available.

The floating-point data types are float, double, and long double. The sizes of these data types satisfy

sizeof(float) <= sizeof(double) <= sizeof(long double)

Some other types, defined in standard headers, are given in the following table:

Type Defined in Represents
ptrdiff_t stddef.h The difference of two pointers
size_t stddef.h
The value of sizeof
va_list stdarg.h Information needed by macros in stdarg.h
FILE stdio.h Information needed to manipulate files
fpos_t stdio.h A position within a file
clock_t time.h Time
time_t time.h Time

See also enum.

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The #define statement is often used to create symbolic (also called manifest) constants. For example, the statement
#define WIDTH 80  /* Characters per line */

Notice there is no equals sign in the definition and it is not followed by a semicolon.

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Do While

The statement
do body while (condition) ;

results in the execution of body as long as condition is true (nonzero). The condition is tested after body is executed. In addition, body must be enclosed in braces unless it consists of a single statement, in which case it is simply terminated with a semicolon.

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An enumerated type is a data type with user-specified values. For example, the declaration
enum director (Hitchcock, Huston, Meyer);

describes the enumerated type enum director. A variable of type enum director should take one of the values Hitchcock, Huston, or Mayer. To define a variable name of type enum director, write

enum director name;

After the preceding definition, the assignment

name = Huston;

is valid.

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The statement
for (expr1; expr2; expr3) body

first executes expr1. Then, as long as expr2 is true (i.e., nonzero), body is executed followed by expr3. Note that expr2 is tested before body and expr3 are executed. In addition, body must be enclosed in braces unless it consists of a single statement, in which case it is simply terminated with a semicolon.

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The definition of a function consists of a header and a body. The header consists of the data type returned followed by the function's name followed by the data types and names of any parameters (also called arguments) in parentheses. If the function returns no value, the keyword void occurs in place of the returned data type. If there are no parameters, the keyword void occurs in parentheses. No semicolon follows the right parenthesis. The body of the function, that is, the code that implements the function, follows the header and is enclosed in braces.

A declaration of a function resembles a function header. The declaration consists of the data type returned followed by the function's name, followed, in parentheses, by the data types and optional names of the expected arguments terminated by a semicolon. If the function returns no value, the keyword void occurs in place of the returned data type. If there are no expected arguments, the keyword void occurs in the parentheses.

Here is an example of a function definition:

int fun(char letter)   /* header */
/* body */

Here is a declaration of the preceding function:

int fun( char letter);

In C, function parameters are normally passed by value. That is, the value of each parameter is copied to a local variable when the function is called. This local variable is distroyed when the function returns. Any changes made to the local copy of a parameter are lost upon return as a result of this mechanism.

Pointers can be used to pass variables to functions such that their values can be changed in the functions and their modified values returned. For example, the function

void swap(float* x, float* y)
   float z;
   z = *x;
   *x = *y;
   *y = z;

could be called as follows

swap(&a, &b);

to interchange the values of float variables a and b. Notice the use of the address-of operator (&) in calling statement and the indirection operator (*) in the function body.

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The expression
if (condition) body

Results in the execution of body if condition is true (nonzero). Otherwise, control skips to the statement immediately following body. In addition, body must be enclosed in braces unless it consists of a single statement, in which case it is simply terminated with a semicolon.

The expression

if (condition) body1 else body2

Results in the execution of body1 if condition is true (nonzero). Otherwise, body2 is executed. In either case, the next statement executed is the statement immediately following body2. In addition, body1 must be enclosed in braces unless it consists of a single statement, in which case it is simply terminated with a semicolon. Similarly, body2 must be enclosed in braces unless it consists of a single statement, in which case it is simply terminated with a semicolon.

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Initializing in Definitions

Any variable may be initialized in its definition be writing, for example,
int x = 5;

An array can be initialized, for example, by writing

int age[ 5 ] = { 4, 32, 5, 27, 29 };

A structure can be initialized, for example, by writing

struct data {
   int day;
   char* month;
   int year;
} due_date = { 8, "Jan", 1990 };

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The C keywords are listed below. These words should not be used as identifiers (variable names).


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A pointer must be defined so as to point to a particular data type. For example, in the case of

int* ptr;

ptr can hold the address of an int.

The syntax


assesses the contents of the cell whose address is ptr. The star (*) is called the indirection operator. The address-of operator (&) is used to obtain the address of a variable. For example

int a
int* b
b = &a
results in variable a and pointer b refering to the same memory location.

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Operators and Precedence

The C operators are list from highest (evaluated first) to lowest (evaluated last) precedence in the following table. Operators between horizontal lines have the same precedence.

Description Operator(s) Associates from the
Function expression
Array expression
Struct indirection
Struct member
( )
[ ]
One's complement
Address of
Type cast
Unary minus
Unary plus
Size in bytes
++ --
Shift left
Shift right
Less than
Less than or equal
Greater than
Greater than or equal
Not equal
Bitwise and & left
Bitwise exclusive or ^ left
Bitwise inclusive or | left
Logical and && left
Logical or || left
Conditional ? : right
Assignment = %= += -= *= /=
>>= <<= &= ^= |=
Comma , left

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When the statement


is encountered, the function returns to its invoker without returning a value.

When the statement

return expression;

is encountered, the function returns to its invoker the value of expression.

The statement return expression; has the same meaning as return(expression);.

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The value of the sizeof operator is the size, in bytes, of its operand. One byte is defined to be sizeof (char). If a is an array, sizeof (a) is the total size, in bytes, of a. If a is a structure, sizeof (a) is the total size, in bytes, of all of the members of a. Because sizeof is an operator and not a function, its value is known at compile time. For this reason, it is legal to write

struct date {
   int day;
   char* month;
   int year;

#define DATE_SIZE sizeof (struct date)

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Standard Headers

The following table lists the header files mandated by the ANSI C Standard and gives a brief description of the purpose of each.

Header FilePurpose
assert.hPutting diagnostics into programs
ctype.hTesting and modifying characters
errno.hReporting error conditions
float.hDescribing floating-point types
limits.hDescribing integer types
locale.hFormatting numeric values
math.hMathematical functions
setjmp.hBypassing default function call and return conventions
signal.hHandling signals
stdarg.hWriting functions with an arbitrary number of arguments
stddef.hCommon definitions
stdio.hHandling input and output
stdlib.hGeneral utilities
string.hHandling arrays of characters
time.hHandling time

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Storage Classes

The C storage classes are

auto  extern   static   register

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A structure declaration consists of struct followed by an optional structure tag followed by the declaration of its members in braces. The terminating brace must be followed by a semicolon. For example;

struct data {
   int day;	
   char* month;
   int year;

Given a structure declaration one can define a structure of the given type by writing struct followed by the structure tag followed by the name of the variable to be defined. For example, given the preceding structure declaration, we can define a structure d by writing

struct date d;

It is possible to declare and define structures simultaneously.

A member of a structure can be accessed by using the dot operator. For example, given the preceding declaration and definition, we may access month in d by writing


The syntax (*s).x is equivalent to s->x.

C permits structure assignments using the assignment operator = and permits passing structures to functions and returning structures from functions.

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The switch statement has the form

switch (expression) {
case c1:
case c2:
   default statements

When the construct is executed, expression is evaluated. Control passes to the line at which expression is equal to ci. (Each of c1, c2, ... must be distinct.) If expression is not equal to any of the ci's, control passes to default statements. Execution continues until a break statement is encountered, at which point control passes to the first statement after default statements. If no break statement is present, execution continues through all the statements, beginning with the first case in which ci equals expression. Normally, each of statements1, statements2, ..., default statements concludes with a break; statement.

Each of c1, c2, ... must be an integer constant and the default block is optional.

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The use of typedef creates a synonym for some other data type. For example, if we write

typedef struct x {
   int day;
   char* month;
   int year;
the types struct x and DATE are synonyms. Given the preceding typedef, writing

is the same as writing

struct x {
   int day;
   char* month;
   int year;
} d;

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Type Qualifiers

Type qualifiers are specified by the keywords const and volatile and are used to inform the compiler about the behavior of variables and parameters. The type qualifier const ("constant") indicates to the compiler that a variable or parameter is not to have its value reset. Any attempt to reset the value of a const variable or parameter results in an error. The type qualifier volatile indicates to the compiler that a variable or parameter may have its value set by something (e.g., an operating system call) outside the C program. In effect, the volatile type qualifier warns an optimizing compiler against making assumptions about how the value of the variable or parameter will be set.

The type qualifiers may occur together in variable definitions and parameter declarations. However, the type qualifiers always come after the storage class and before the data type. Here are two examples:

const int num = 10;  /* variable definition */
void fun(const float real)  /* parameter declaration */

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The union construct is syntactically identical to the structure construct (see Structures). A union may, at different times, hold one, and only one, of the types defined. For example, if we define

union num {
   int x;
   float y;
} u;

u may hold an int or a float, but not both. Storage is allocated for the largest of the data types specified. A member of union u is accessed syntactically exactly as a member of a structure.

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The keyword void shows that a function returns no value or expects no arguments. For example

void f(int x, int y)

is the header of a function with two parameters, both of type int, that returns no value. As another example,

float g(void)

is the header of a function with no parameters that returns a value of type float. Also, certain library functions such as malloc return a pointer to void.

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When we execute

while (condition) body

as long as condition is true (nonzero), we execute body. The condition is tested before body is executed. In addition, body is enclosed in braces unless it consists of a single statement, in which case it is simply terminated with a semicolon.

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C References

Johnsonbaugh, R. and M. Kalin's "C for Scientists and Engineers," Prentice Hall, 1996.

Waite, M. and S. Prata's "The Waite Group's New C Primer Plus," Macmillan Computer Publishing, 1991.

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Send comments and suggestions to: Charles S. Tritt, Ph.D.