HTML Color Test

Version 1.0
Last updated 1/3/97

Body text color is 000000 (black). Background color is d0d0d0 (light gray, HTML Assistant Pro 97's default background color is c0c0c0). Rating scale is: Very Good, Good, Okay, Poor, Bad and Very Bad.

The color ff0000 (Bright red) is good.
The color e00000 (Medium red) is good. Use for active links.
The color a00000 (Dark red) is okay.
The color ffff00 (Bright yellow) is poor.
The color a04040 (Dark brown) is poor.
The color c07070 (Brown) is okay.
The color e0a0a0 (Light brown) is poor.
The color 00ff00 (Bright green) is very bad.
The color 10a010 (Medium green) is good.
The color 00ffff (Very bright bluegreen) is bad.
The color 20b0b0 (Medium bluegreen) is okay.
The color 008080 (Dark bluegreen) is good.
The color 0000ff (Bright blue) is okay.
The color 0000cc (Medium blue) is very good. Use for unvisited links.
The color 551a8b (Very dark blue) is okay.
The color b020b0 (Medium purple) is very good.
The color a020a0 (Dark purple) is good. Use for visited links.
The color ff00ff (Very bright purple) bad.
The color 202020 (Dark gray) is good.
The color 7f7f7f (Medium gray) is okay.
The color ffffff (White) is poor.

My stardard body colors are: <body text="#000000" link="#0000cc" vlink="#a020a0" alink="#e00000" bgcolor="#d0d0d0">