// Sample Function Call with Argument Change // // File: SWAP.CPP // Version: 3.1 // Created: 9/24/96 // Last updated: 10/20/99 // Written by: Dr. C. S. Tritt // #include // Header for stream I/O. #include // Header for file I/O. #include // Header for I/O manipulators. using namespace std; // Function declaration use references and without default values. void swap(float& first_indentifier, float& second_indentifier); // Main program int main(void) { // Declare and initialize variables. int p = 3; // Ouput numeric precision. float a = 2.5f; // Units and description of a (f indicates float value). float b = 7.5f; // Units and description of b. ofstream fout; // Declare an output file object. fout.open("swap.out", ios::out); // Open the output file. if (!fout) // See if the file was opened sucessfully. { cout << "Can't open output file!\n"; return 1; } fout.setf(ios::showpoint); // Show decimal points. fout << setprecision(p); // Set the precision. fout << "Before swapping...\n"; fout << "a = " << a << " and b = " << b << endl; swap(a, b); fout << "After swapping...\n"; fout << "a = " << a << " and b = " << b << endl; fout.close(); // Close the out file. return 0; } // Define the swap function. Use references so argument changes are returned. void swap(float& x, float& y) { // This function swaps the values of its two arguments. float hold; hold = x; x = y; y = hold; return; }