Name: ______Key_________


Quiz 3 (Week 4)

CS-150, Fall ‘02, Dr. C. S. Tritt


Each question is worth the same amount.


  1. What output would be produced by the following C++ code (assume any necessary header files have been included)?


int myValue = 12345;

cout << "The value is " << setw(8) << myValue << " eggs.\n";


Answr: The value is    12345 eggs.


  1. What output would be produced by the following C++ code (assume any necessary header files have been included)?


double aValue = 12.345;

cout << "The value is ";

cout << setw(6) << setprecision(2) << aValue;

cout << "ft/s.\n";


Answr: The value is     12ft/s.


Extra space after 12 okay. Answering  … 12.34 … okay. Commenting on missing semicolons would have been + 5 bonus (but nobody did).


  1. Write the C++ code that would correctly display the cost of an order in dollars. Assume the cost stored in a variable call orderCost and is between $1.00 and $9999.99.


Answr: cout << "$" << setw(7) << fixed << setprecision(2) << orderCost << endl;


“$” and endl optional. Missing “fixed” okay – may have already been set. Missing “setw” okay – but does help align decimal points.


  1. What value will be stored in factor after the execution of the following C++ code?


int count = 1;

double factor = 2.5;


count = count + 1; // count will be 2 here.

if (count <= 1)

      factor = factor + 1.0; // not executed.


      factor = factor – 1.0; // factor becomes 1.5 here.

count = count + 1; // count becomes 3 here.

factor = factor * 2.0; // factor doubled to 3.0 here.












Answr: 3.0 (wrong values generally -20)