Name: _______Key________


Quiz 5 (Week 6)

CS-150, Fall ‘02, Dr. C. S. Tritt


Each question is worth the same amount.


1.      What output would the following fragment of C++ code produce (assume any necessary header files have been included and variables declared and defined)?


   int x = 3;



      cout << x << endl;

      x = 2*x;


   while (x <= 50);

   cout << "All done.\n";


Answer –







All done.


2.      Write a fragment of C++ code that displays a table (list) of 10 squared integer values. The code should prompt the user to enter a starting value. It should then read the value and display a sequence of values and their squares from the starting value up to and including the starting value +9. For example, if the user were to enter 4, the following table would be displayed (the exact format of the table is not important):


Enter a starting value: 4

4 16

13 169


Answer –


cout << "Enter a starting value: ";

int start;

cin >> start;

for (x = start; x <= start + 9; x++) cout << x << ' ' << x*x <<
