Decisions (Selection)

CS-150, Spring '00, Learning Objectives

The if Statement (including the else and else if forms)

Be able to understand and predict the behavior of if statements.

Be able to write valid if statements.

Be able to describe and give an example of the condition part of if statements.

Be able to describe and give an example of a C++ block statement.

Know the standard flowchart representation for if statements.

Khow my pseudocode representation for if statements.

Khow what is meant by the term nesting.

Know how to nest if statements to get desired results.

Know how to use indentation to make nesting obvious.

Selection Related Topics

Be able to explain the idea of flow of control in computer programs.

Know the 6 relational operators and how to use them.

Know two results the relational operators can produce.

Be able to explain what is meant by input validation.

Be able to write and use switch statements.

Be able to understand the behavior of switch statements.

Know the standard flowchart symbol for switch statements.

Khow my pseudocode representation for switch statements.

Know the 3 logical operations (either old or new forms (or both)).

Know the values that can be placed in a type bool variable.

Be able to explain when it would be desirable to a type bool variable in a program.

Send comments and suggestions about these objectives to: Dr. Charles S. Tritt
This page last updated 3/22/00