Fortran 90 Compilation Instructions


The command to compile and link a Fortran 90 program on Torres, MSOE's Unix system, is:
f90 [options] executable source

where the options are optional compiler options (some of which are described below), executable is the name of executable file to produce if the compilation and linking is successful and source is the name of the Fortran 90 source code file to compile and link.

Typical values for options are:

-V -gen_feedback -free -check format -check output_conversion -g -o

These options values provide a source listing (source.l) file, produce error messages, permit free format (non-column dependent) source code and cause run-time format and output conversion checking.

An alias can be defined to avoid having to type all the options listed above everytime you compile a Fortran program. The following line placed in your .login file will define this alias each time you log on:

alias myf90 "f90 -V -gen_feedback -free -check format -check output_conversion -g -o"

Do not allow the editor you use to "wrap" this line when you enter it. I prefer the alias name myf90 to the more commonly used f90 because it allows access to the original f90 command and avoids a recursive looking definition.

See the online Fortran 90 documentation and Unix System Guide for more information.

Send comments and suggestions about this page to: Dr. Charles S. Tritt
This page last updated 9/14/97