Transfering files using FTP



FTP stands for File Transfer Protcol and is the standard method for sending and recieving files across the Internet. These instrctions apply specifically to WS_FTP (a freeware program available from IPSwitch) on the Windows 3.11 systems at MSOE. However, most Windows based FTP programs are similar.

Setting Up WS_FTP to Connect to Torres at MSOE

Start WS_FTP by opening the Library and Internet program group and double clicking on the WS_FTP icon. If the WS_FTP icon is not present, install WS_FTP according to my online instuctions.

Once WS_FTP starts, a Session Profile window should appear. Enter the following information in the session profile window:

Profile Name   Torres
Host Name
Host Type   Automatic Detect
User ID   Your username

Tick the Save Password check bok and then click on the Save button to save the profile. Next, click on Okay to connect to Torres. You will be prompted for your Torres password. If the connection is sucessful (and it usually is), you see a directory listing in the righthand WS_FTP window.

Using WS_FTP

Once you have established a connection to a remote system, you can transfer files to and from it. Select the files you want to transfer and click on the arrow buttons in the middle of the WS_FTP screen to perform the transfer. You can also use the command buttons (the ones to the right of the file lists) to perform the indicated command on the indicated systems.

Other Comments

Be sure to send and receive text files in ASCII mode (use the radio buttons at the bottom of the WS_FTP window).

You can have multiple profiles that connect you to different systems. For example, I have profiles for ExecPC and other systems I use regularly.

You can Connect and Disconnect multiple times and to multiple sites without exiting WS_FTP.

You can use the Remote Host and Local PC entries under Initial Directories in the Session Profile window to set the initial defualt directories when you connect.

Send comments and suggestions about these instructions to: Dr. Charles S. Tritt
This page last updated 9/11/97