Compiling and Producing List Files


Student Message

This (an attached source code file) is all I could get and even that wouldn't print. I also had trouble creating a list file. I am going to try to send what I have as an attachment but I don't know if it's going to work. please discuss these things in more detail in class and maybe slow down a notch.My brain is getting scrambled.

My Reply

I got your program. The attachment came first and then your comments arrived in a separate message.

To generate a list file you must use the -V switch with the f90 command. The easiest way to do this is by adding the line:

alias f90 "f90 -V -gen_feedback -free -check format -check output_conversion -g -o"

to your .login file using Pico, nedit or the FTP/Notepad approach. Then, log out and log back in (to make the .login file run and set the alias). Then, exit the menu system (press 9, I think) and enter:

f90 prog.1 prog.l.f

Alternately, you can enter the following without creating the alias:

f90 -V -gen_feedback -free -g -o prog.1 prog.1.f

but you lose some of the help the compiler will give you with all the options. Note the first name after the -o is what you want the compiler to call the executable file. The second is the name of your source code file. If you leave the -o name switch out, your executable will be called a.out (that's just the way Unix does it).

This should produce a list file called prog.1.l (that's a one followed by a dot and a letter el). Print this file by entering:

print_cc60 -r prog.1.l

Note the printer in CC-60 doesn't work consistently so you might also want to try cc61, cc71, s210 or s301 in place of the cc60 above.

Run the program by entering:


or whatever you named your executable.

I hope this helps.

Sorry, I can't really slow down. We have too much ground to cover this quarter. However, I will try to focus more on Fortran. Hopefully we will get past these logistical problems of entering, compiling and printing files soon. Once you've got it figured out it really is easy because its always the same.