Advanced Data Types

CS-185 Fall '97 Learning Objectives

The Complex Data Type

Be able to explain what complex numbers are.

Be able to identify the real and imaginary parts of complex numbers.

Be able to perform basic mathamatical operations (addition, substraction, multiplication and division) using complex numbers.

Know how to declare and use complex variables in Fortran programs.

Be able to use the cmplx, aimag and real intrinsic functions (without the kind specifier).

Be able to read and write complex numbers in Fortran programs.

The Character Data Type (Strings)

Be able to declare and use character variables in Fortran programs.

Be able to explain what is meant by the term concatenate and be able to concatenate character data items (expressions, variables and constants).

Be able to specify and use substrings within character data values.

Be able to perform I/O of character data.

Be able to use the adjustl, adjustr, repeat, trim, len, len_trim, index and scan intrinsic string functions.

Be able to use the llt, lle, lgt, lge, iachar and achar intrinsic string functions.

Send comments and suggestions about these objectives to: Dr. Charles S. Tritt
This page last updated 11/12/97