Array Variables

CS-185 Fall '97 Learning Objectives

One-Dimensional Arrays

Be able to describe how values are stored in one-dimensional arrays (here I'm looking for a general description, to detailed Fortran 90 syntax).

Be able to explain what is meant by the terms element and subscript.

Be able to recognize when it would be appropriate to use one-dimensional arrays in a program.

Be able to declare and use one-dimensional compile-time arrays.

Be able to use implied do loops in Fortran I/O statements.

Be able to explain the difference between compile-time and allocatable arrays.

Be able to declare and use one-dimensional allocatable arrays.

Be able to initialize one-dimensional arrays using array constants and implied do loops.

Be able to write and interpret one-dimensional array expressions.

Know how array assignments work.

Be able to recognize and use one-dimensional array sections and subarrays.

Be able to use the allocated, dot_product, maxval, minval, size and sum array functions with one-dimensional array arguments.

Know how to use assumed size (called assume shape arrays in your textbook) one-dimensional arrays as formal arguments in subprograms.

Multidimensional Arrays (Matrices)

Know how to declare and use multidimensional compile-time arrays.

Know how to declare and use multidimensional allocatable arrays.

Know how to use implied do loops in I/O statements for input and output of multidimensional arrays.

Know how to specify array sections and subarrays of multidimensional arrays.

Be able to use the transpose array function.

Be able to use and interpret multidimensional array expressions.

Send comments and suggestions about these objectives to: Dr. Charles S. Tritt
This page last updated 11/12/97