Introduction to Computers and Networks

CS-185 Spring '99 Learning Objectives

Computer Systems

Be able to name three major subsystems in a typical personal computer system.

Be able to explain the functional difference between a high speed LAN (ethernet, etc.) connection and a dial up (modem) connection.

Be able to explain why a company might buy a $30,000 DEC Alpha based computer system rather than a $3,000 Pentium based system.

Hardware and Software Layers

Be able to name and describe each of the four system layers that I discussed in lecture.

Be able to name and describe the two basic types of user interfaces.

Be able to explain the difference between and give examples of interactive and batch mode programs.

Internet Introduction

Be able to describe two ways in which an interactive terminal session can be established between a PC on MSOE's Warp network and Torres (MSOE's Unix system).

Be able to describe two ways in which an interactive terminal session can be established between an off campus PC and Torres (MSOE's Unix system).

Be able to describe one way in which you can create, modify, compile and run programs on Torres (including the names all the application programs you would use).

Send comments and suggestions about these objectives to: Dr. Charles S. Tritt