Fundamental Elements of Fortran 90

CS-185 Spring '99 Learning Objectives

Data Types, Constants, Variables and Parameters

Be able to name and describe the 3 basic data types.

Be able to identify valid and invalid integer constants.

Be able to identify valid and invalid real constants.

Be able to identify valid and invalid character string constants.

Be able to identify valid and invalid identifiers.

Be able to explain what a variable is and how they are used.

Be able to declare and initialize real, integer and character variables.

Be able to explain what the implicit none statement does and how it is used.

Be able to declare named constants (parameters).

Be able to explain the difference between constants, named constants and variables.

Operators, Expressions and Assignment Statements

Be able to describe and use each of the 5 arithmetic operators.

Know the order of priority for the arithmetic operators.

Understand the implications of mixed mode operation and in particular the behavior of integer division.

Be able to evaluate arithmetic expressions.

Know how to use library (intrinsic) functions.

Be able to assign values to variables.

List Directed Input/Output

Be able to use the write(*,*) statement for simple, list-directed screen (console) output.

Be able to use the read(*,*) statement for simple, list-directed keyboard (console) input.

Program Format

Be able to name and describe each of the 5 parts of a standard form (typical) program (these appear on pages 74-5 in your text book.

Be able to explain the difference between stop and end statements.

Know how comments are indicated in programs and be able to explain why it is important to include plenty of comments in your programs.

Be able to write simple program. In this case, a simple program would be one with list directed console input and output statements but no selection or looping statements and no user defined subprograms.

Send comments and suggestions about these objectives to: Dr. Charles S. Tritt
This page last updated 3/18/99