Input/Output Details

CS-185 Fall '97 Learning Objectives

Introduction to Formatted Input and Output

Be able to explain what is meant by old style format definitions.

Be able to state the advantages and disadvantages of new style format definitions.

Know and be able to use the general form of the write statement (i.e., write(unit, format, other...).

Know and be able to use the general form of the read statement (i.e., read(unit, format, other...).

Know how to specify and use the ADVANCE clause in a general write statement.

Know how to spacify and use the IOSTAT clause in a general read statement.

Formatted Output

Be able to interpret and use output carriage control characters (you book just calls these control characters).

Be able to interpret and use the rX output format descriptor.

Be able to interpret and use the Iw output format descriptor.

Be able to interpret and use the Fw.d output format descriptor.

Be able to interpret and use the Ew.d and Ew.dEe output format descriptors.

Be able to interpret and use the Gw.d output format descriptor.

Be able to interpret and use the A and Aw output format descriptors.

Know how character literals ('x' and "x") are specified and behave in output statements.

Be able to interpret and use the Lw output format descriptor.

Be able to interpret and use the Tc, TLn and TRn output format descriptors.

Be able to interpret and use the S, SP and SS output format descriptors.

Be able to interpret and use the / output format descriptor.

Know how to repeat the use of output format descriptors including those with paratheses.

Be able to explain how output format specifications can be built "on-the-fly."

Formatted Input

Be able to interpret and use the rX input format descriptor.

Be able to interpret and use the Iw input format descriptor.

Be able to interpret and use the Fw.d input format descriptor.

Be able to interpret and use the Ew.d and Ew.dEe input format descriptors.

Be able to interpret and use the Gw.d input format descriptor.

Be able to interpret and use the A and Aw intput format descriptors.

Be able to interpret and use the Lw input format descriptor.

Be able to interpret and use the / input format descriptor.

Know how to repeat the use of input format descriptors including those with paratheses.

Be able to explain how input format specifications can be built "on-the-fly."

File Input and Output

Be able to use the open statement including its UNIT, FILE, STATUS, ACTION, POSITION and IOSTAT options.

Be able to use the close statement including its UNIT, IOSTAT and STATUS options.

Be able to read data from files.

Be able to write data to files.

Be able use the rewind and backspace statements to control the current position within a file.

Send comments and suggestions about these objectives to: Charles S. Tritt, Ph.D.
This page last updated 10/12/97