Program Development

CS-185 Spring '99 Learning Objectives

Program Development

Be able to name the five steps in the life cycle of a typical computer program.

Be able to describe the problem analysis and specification phase of the program life cycle.

Be able analyze and obtain the specifications for a given programming problem.

Be able to describe the value and danger of generalization during program development.

Be able to describe the data organization and algorithm phase of the program life cycle.

Be able to describe the tangible results of the data organization and algorithm phase of the program life cycle (often called the deliverables or documentation).

Be able to perform the data organization and algorithm phase of program development for a given problem.

Be able to describe the program coding phase of the program life cycle.

Be able to describe the testing phase of the program life cycle.

Be able to explain why the testing phase of the program life cycle is so important.

Be able to describe the maintenance phase of the program life cycle.

Be able to explain how the maintenance phase of the program life cycle impacts on documentation and code style requirements.

Be able to explain what is meant by the term successive refinement and the top-down approach to software development.

Know what is meant by the term levels of abstraction (this term may not be used in your textbook).

Know the three major rules of program style given on pages 32 and 33 in your textbook.

Be able to name and describe the three major types of errors that may occur in programs.

Send comments and suggestions about these objectives to: Dr. Charles S. Tritt