
CS-185 Fall '97 Learning Objectives

Counter Controlled Repetition

Know the flowchart, pseudocode and Fortran 90 syntax for counter controlled do-end do constructs.

Know the restriction on the do loop control variable type.

Be able to use counter controlled do-end do constructs to produce repetitive execution of one or more Fortran statements.

Be able to nest counter controlled do-end do constructs.

Logic Controlled Repetition

Know the flowchart, pseudocode and Fortran 90 syntax for logic controlled do-end do constructs.

Be able to use logic controlled do-end do constructs to produce repetitive execution of one or more Fortran statements.

Be able to explain what the exit and cycle statements do and how they differ.

Be able to explain how pre-test, mid-test and post-test loops differ.

Send comments and suggestions about these objectives to: Charles S. Tritt, Ph.D.
This page last updated 10/12/97