Fortran 90 Subprogram Notes (v. 1.1)

CS-185, Spring '99, Dr. C. S. Tritt

The term subprogram applies to both Fortran functions that explicitly return values and Fortran subroutines that do not.

There are four types of subprograms: intrinsic, internal, module and external. Intrinsic subprograms are built into the language and can be used by any Fortran program. Internal subprograms are part of the programs in which they are defined and can only be used within this program. Internal subprograms are defined and used in the following way:

Program ProgramName

Non-executable statements (don't declare function names).

	Executable statements such as...
	Call SubroutineName(...)
	x = FunctionName(...)


Subprogram SubprogramName1(...)

Non-executable statements.

	Executable statements.

End Subprogram SubprogramName1

End program ProgramName

Internal subprograms can access variables in their host programs, but this is not recommended.

Module subprograms are defined and used as follows:

Module ModuleName


subprogram Subprogram1(...)

Non-executable statements.

	Executable statements.

End subprogram Subprogram1

End Module ModuleName

program ProgramName

use ModuleName
Other non-executable statements.

	Executable statments including...
	Call subroutine SubroutineName(...)
	x = FunctionName(...)

end program ProgramName

External subprograms are defined and used as follows:

Program ProgramName

	Subprogram SubroutineName(...)
	Real funciton FunctionName(...)
End interface

Other non-executable statements.

	Executable statements such as...
	Call SubroutineName(...)
	x = FunctionName(...)

End program ProgramName

Subprogram SubprogramName1(...)

Non-executable statements.

	Executable statements.

End Subprogram SubprogramName1

Modules subprograms and external subprograms do not have to be in the same source code file as the main program, but the compiler and linker must be able to find them. Rules for specifying where the compiler and linker looks for modules and external subprograms vary.