Torres (Unix) Printing

A number of printers are attached to Torres (MSOE's Unix system). There is currently one printer in every computer lab. When you print a document, you must specify which printer you want to use. The system administrator has set up a series of special commands to make this easier. The general format of these commands is:

print_room filename

where room is the room number in which you want the specified file printed.

You can included switches with this command to control the appearance of your printouts. One common switch is -r which causes landscape (wide) printing.

For example, to print the file program3.f90 in CC-61 in landscape mode enter:

print_cc61 -r program3.f90

at the Unix command prompt.

Printing from Bookreader (DEC's online documenation display program) and possibly other X Windows programs is a little different. To print from Bookreader, select File | Print topic from the window menu and specify the printer you want to use from the Printer pick list. The printers are currently mapped as follows:
lpS 301Pick up printout at CCSD help desk.
lp1S 210
lp2CC 60
lp3CC 61
lp4CC 71
lp5CC 60Duplicate entry for older HP 3si

Caution these mappings could be changed at any time. If you have problems call the CCSD help desk at x-7288

Note the printer in CC 60 is old and does not always work correctly. The problem involves students having to manually change the printer's configuration and not returning to the proper configuration when they are done. If you try to print to this printer and it does not work, call the CCSD help desk at x-7288.

Send comments and suggestions about this page to: Dr. Charles S. Tritt
This page last updated 9/24/97