The purpose of this experiment is to provide you with experience in working with clocked sequential circuits. Pay particular attention to the timing relationships between the circuit inputs, outputs and clocks. Fully test (and document the test results) your circuits. You may use the Digi-Designer pulsers manually and display lights or run your circuits at 1.0 KHz and use an oscilloscope to produce your timing diagrams.
1 | Digi-Designer with wires |
1 | 74xx00 Quad 2-input NAND |
1 | 74xx04 Hex Inverter |
1 | 74xx10 Triple 3-input NAND |
1 | 74xx74 Dual D positive edge triggered flip-flop |
1 | 74xx76x Dual JK negative edge triggered flip-flop (Warning: the regular and LS76A versions of this chip have slightly different timing requirements) |
1 | 74xx86 Quad 2-input XOR |
Perform the Up-Down Counter with Enable part of Experiment 11-9 (Sequential Circuits) from page 458 in your text book.
Perform the State Diagram part of Experiment 11-9 using a 74xx74 from page 458-9 in your text book.
Perform the Ripple Counter and Synchronous Counter parts of Experiment 11-10 (Counters) from page 459 in your text book.
Perform any additional parts of Experiments 11-9 or 11-10.