Week 2 Learning Objectives

EE-290, Spring '97, Dr. C. S. Tritt

Boolean Algebra (Basic Theorems and Properties)

Be able to apply the postulates and theorems listed in Table 2-1 in simple algebraic manipulations.

Know the order of precedence for parentheses, NOT, AND and OR.

Be able to state DeMorgan's theorem in algebraic, truth table and plain English forms.

Be able to construct truth tables for specified Boolean functions.

Be able to algebraically simplify complements of specified Boolean functions.

Canonical and Standard Forms

Be able to list the minterms and maxterms of specified Boolean functions.

Be able to interpret Boolean functions specified in Pi and Sigma forms.

Be able to describe the following forms: canonical, sum of products and product of sums.

Other Logic Operations

Know the truth tables of the following Boolean operators: XOR, NOR and NAND.

Digital Logic Gates and Integrated Circuits

Know the graphic symbols of the following Boolean operators: AND, OR, Invert, Buffer, NAND, NOR and XOR.

Be able to list at least one important feature of each of the following logic families: TTL, ECL and CMOS.

Know the series name associated with each of the following TTL prefixes: 74, 74H, 74L and 74LS.

Be able to explain the difference between negative and positive logic.

Be able to read and interpret combinational IC data sheets.

Karnaugh Maps

Know how to construct and label two through four variable Karnaugh maps.

Be able to relate squares on Karnaugh maps with minterms and maxterms.

Be able to relate loops on Karnaugh maps with algebraic operations on minterms.

Be able to translate Boolean functions (specified using equation, truth table or Pi/Sigma forms) into Karnaugh maps.

Be able to use Karnaugh maps to simplify two through four variable Boolean functions into sum of products forms.

Be able to distinguish between prime implicants and essential prime implicants.

Be able to use Karnaugh maps to simplify two through four variable Boolean functions into product of sums forms.

Be able to simplify two through four variable Boolean functions with irrelevant (don't care) conditions using Karnaugh map.