Week 3 Learning Objectives

EE-290, Spring '97, Dr. C. S. Tritt

Karnaugh Maps

Know how to construct and label two through four variable Karnaugh maps.

Be able to relate squares on Karnaugh maps with minterms and maxterms.

Be able to relate loops on Karnaugh maps with algebraic operations on minterms.

Be able to translate Boolean functions (specified using equation, truth table or / forms) into Karnaugh maps.

Be able to use Karnaugh maps to simplify two through four variable Boolean functions into sum of products forms.

Be able to distinguish between prime implicants and essential prime implicants.

Be able to use Karnaugh maps to simplify two through four variable Boolean functions into product of sums forms.

Be able to simplify two through four variable Boolean functions with irrelevant (don't care) conditions using Karnaugh map.


Be able to implement sum-of-products and product-of-sums forms of Boolean functions using two levels of NAND or NOR gates.

Be able to explain how DeMorgan's theorem relates to two-level NAND and NOR implementations.

Tabulation (Quine-McCluskey) Method

Be able to simplify Boolean functions of four through six variables using the tabulation method.