Week 6 Learning Objectives

EE-290, Spring '97, Dr. C. S. Tritt

PAL's, PLA's and PLD's and PLD Design Software

Be able to describe the structure and operation of PAL's, PLA's and PLD's.

Be able to start MAX+plus II or PLD Shell Plus on the MSOE PC network.

Be able to use MAX+plus II or PLD Shell Plus to program combinational circuits into a PLD.

Introduction to Sequential Circuits

Be able to distinguish between situations in which combinational designs are appropriate and those in which sequential designs are appropriate.

Be able to explain the parts and operation of the sequential circuit block diagram given in Figure 6-1 in your textbook.


Be able to explain the operation of the simple flip-flop shown in Figure 6-2 in your textbook.

Be able to describe the behavior of type RS, D, JK and T flip-flops using characteristic equations and tables.

Be able to explain the advantage of using Master-Slave flip-flops.

Be able to describe what is meant by edge-triggering.

Know the standard graphic symbols for RS, D, JK and T flip-flops.

Understand the function of direct preset and direct clear flip-flop inputs.

Analysis of Clocked Sequential Circuits

Be able to explain the difference between Mealy and Moore machines using block diagrams.

Be able to derive a machine's state table from its circuit diagram.

Be able to translate state tables into state diagrams and vis versa.

Know how to use the characteristic tables for type JK, RS, D and T flip-flops in the alaylysis of clocked sequential circuits.