PLD Homework Problem 1 (Combinational)

EE-290, Spring '97, Dr. C. S. Tritt
Due 4/11

Use MAX+plus II or PLDshell Plus to design a 4-bit Gray code to 7-segment Hexadecimal display converter using Altera MAX5000 auto device selection or an Intel 85C220 µPLD.

The Gray code values are as follows:

ValueCode   ValueCode
0 0 0 0 0    8 1 1 0 0 
10 0 0 1   91 1 0 1
20 0 1 1   A1 1 1 1
30 0 1 0   B1 1 1 0
40 1 1 0   C1 0 1 0
50 1 1 1   D1 0 1 1
60 1 0 1   E1 0 0 1
70 1 0 0   F1 0 0 0

The display segments are lettered as follows:

b | c | d
e | f | g

The characters should be formed as follows:

 ---           ---    ---           ---    ---    --- 
|   |      |      |      |  |   |  |      |          |
               ---    ---    ---    ---    ---        
|   |      |  |          |      |      |  |   |      |
 ---           ---    ---           ---    ---        

 ---    ---    ---           ---           ---    --- 
|   |  |   |  |   |  |      |          |  |      |    
 ---    ---    ---    ---           ---    ---    --- 
|   |      |  |   |  |   |  |      |   |  |      |    
 ---    ---           ---    ---    ---    ---        

The digit one is made up of segments d and g.

Turn in paper copies of your source (.TDF) and report (.RPT) files Draw a NAND gate logic diagram for the sum-of-products form of segment e equation.

PLDshell Note: To get the minimizer to produce positive logic sum-of-products equations for this design you must turn Automatic Inversion off under the Compile Options sub-menu and answer no when asked if it is "Okay to use inverted equations?"