Design Project 1 - Combinational Circuit

Experiments 4 and 5
EE-290, Spring '97, Dr. C. S. Tritt
Due 4/11

Design a combinational circuit that converts ten arbitrary 4 bit code values to corresponding BCD digits 0 to 9. This type of circuit could be used to translate data sent from one machine to another.

 Code   BCD     Code   BCD 
1111 0 0100 5
0000 1 1010 6
0001 2 0101 7
1101 3 0111 8
1000 4 0011 9

Write a formal report describing the methods and outcome of your design effort. You should include the following sections in your report: Problem Statement, Design Procedures, Description of the Design, Description of the Implementation and Testing Procedures. The Design Procedures section should include an explanation of your notation, truth tables and Karnaugh maps. The Description of the Design section should include logic diagrams. The Description of the Implementation section should include a parts list. The Testing Procedures section should include a detailed description of how to test your implementation and the results of these tests. Include other supporting documentation in the report as necessary. Be sure to include a discussion of the rationale you use to select among the many options available in your design. It should be possible to reproduce every step in your design process and implementation using only your report.

You must implement your design and demonstrate it in lab. You may implement your design in any way you wish. This includes using SSI, MSI or programmable devices. You may want to implement your design on a Circuit Designer board so that it can be kept overnight.

I will grade your report on the basis of professionalism (neatness, grammar, etc.), completeness, originality and success.

Work in pairs.

Critical Dates:

Project assignment and group formation. Consultation and design review in S-353A (optional but recommended).
Implementation demonstrations and presentations starting at 9:00 am (required) and report reviews (optional, but recommended).
Final reports due at start of lab period.