Classics Designation Procedures

Prepared by Dr. C. S. Tritt

It is sometimes necessary for the library discard duplicate, seldom used and out of date materials. However, it may be desirable to retain in the collection certain "classic" items even when they are old and seldom used. To accommodate this situation, the library administration has agreed to allow faculty members to designate a limited number of items as classics. Copies of these items will not be discarded by the library without the prior approval of the faculty.

Each academic department may designated up to 10 items as classics. This designation is made by the department head submitting a memo or e-mail to the library committee listing the title, author(s), edition and date of publication of each classic item. Lists of designated classics will be maintained by the library committee. These lists can be changed at any time by the department heads by submitting the changes in writing to the library committee. Departments may use the method of their choice to select their classics.

Send comments and suggestions about this policy to: Dr. Charles S. Tritt
This page last updated 5/6/98