4/2/97 Letter from Mary Perdue

From: "Mary Perdue"
Organization: Milwaukee School of Engineering
To: TRITT@obrien.msoe.edu
Date sent: Wed, 2 Apr 1997 10:23:08 CST6
Subject: (Fwd) library committee
Priority: normal


Topic for future library committee:

Part of our library service to students is that we do not charge for interlibrary loan. Being a small library, we enlarge our collection by offering ILL services. Rather than jeopardizing our students for our small size, we do not charge them for obtaining photocopies from other libraries.

The question is: what about students who take classes at remote locations? Those students in the Fox Valley are not charged any fees for articles which we may have in our collection. We supply these articles to them free of charge because they do not have the convenience of having an engineering/business library close at hand.

A question has come up regarding remote classes which are taught in or near Milwaukee. Do we still send them articles from our collection free of charge even though it is possible that they may actually live only a block from campus but don't want to come in?

What is the dividing line between distance ed students who have no access to the library as opposed to those who live in the geographic area and do have access?

MSOE proudly proclaims there are no lab fees, but that was fine when labs didn't incur ongoing costs. Most institutions have lab fees, technology fees, library fees, student union fees, etc.

We probably won't change anything with regards to charging for photocopies from materials owned by us for the remainer of this quarter, but it is something to consider for next year?