Lab 8 Report CS2910 Fall 2015 Instructor: Dr. Yoder Authors: Phileas Fogg (foggp) Jean Passepartout (passepartoutj) ======= 4. Initial Capture ======= Q: Did you note any discrepencies between the captures on the two machines? If so, what are they? ======= 5. Initial Capture: Window Size ======= Q: Describe how the window changes from one message to another. Explain any discrepencies from what you expected. ======= 6.3 Loaded Capture ======= 1. Did you need to introduce a delay to load the receiver? 2. What is the typical amount of data transferred (Len in Wireshark)? 3. What is the window advertisement of the receiver at the start (first data ACK, not in any of the SYN, SYN/ACK,ACK packets)? 4. Does the window advertisement decrease? By how much? 5. Were there any discrepancies between the two captures? ======= Additional Notes ======= ======= Questions ======= ======= Comments on lab or suggestions for Improvement ======= (Required)