import math def totient(n): """ :param n: integer to take totient of :return: the totient of n See :author: Josiah Yoder """ #def totient(n): totient = 0 if n == 1: totient = 1 else: for i in range(1, n): if math.gcd(i, n) == 1: totient += 1 return totient def exponent_modulus(n): """ :param n: integer to take pseudo-totient of. a pseudo-totient z is something you can use as the modulus in the exponent: (m**e)%n == (m**(e%z))%n like we use in RSA: (m**(d*e))%n == (m**((d*e)%z))%n == (m**1)%n = m the surprising thing is that the only pseudo-totients that actually work for all m and e are primes! Even for the z = p*q we use in class, it's not actually true that (m**e)%n == (m**(e%z))%n for all m and e! (But it IS true when we need it!) (pseudo-totient is a term of my own making) :return: the pseudo-totient z for the integer n :author: Josiah Yoder """ pseudo_totient = [] t = totient(n) for z in range(1,n): if all((m**e)%n == (m**(e%z))%n for m in range(1,n) for e in range(1,n)): print("n:", n) print("z:", z) print("true totient:", t) print() pseudo_totient.append(z) return pseudo_totient def find_totients(max): totients = dict() for i in range(1,max+1): totients[i] = totient(i) print('Totients:') for i in range(1,max+1): print(i,totients[i]) def find_pseudo_totients(max): totients = dict() pseudo_totients = dict() for i in range(1,max+1): totients[i] = totient(i) pseudo_totients[i] = exponent_modulus(i) print('Totients:') for i in range(1,max+1): print(i,totients[i],pseudo_totients[i]) # find_totients(1000) find_pseudo_totients(100)