package class10_1_FunctionalProgramming_start;// Dr. Yoder. MSOE. 09 February 2017 /* * SE1011-061 * Fall 2015 * Tutorial on User-Built Classes * Name: Dr. Chris Taylor * Created: 10/30/2015 */ import; import; import; import; import java.util.Scanner; /** * Represents complex numbers. Objects from the class are immutable, * i.e., their value cannot change once they are created. * @author taylor * @version 2017.2.9_3 */ public class Complex { /** * Real component of the complex number */ private final double real; /** * Imaginary component of the complex number */ private final double imag; /** * Determines whether the string representation of the complex number * will be in cartesian or polar coordinates */ private static boolean isPolar = false; public static void main(String[] args) { Complex c1 = new Complex(); Complex c2 = new Complex(8, 8); try (OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("complex.bin")) { c1.write(out); c2.write(out); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void write(OutputStream out) throws IOException { try (DataOutputStream dout = new DataOutputStream(out)) { dout.writeDouble(real); dout.writeDouble(imag); } } /** * Default constructor of a complex number with real and * imaginary components of zero */ public Complex() { this(0.0); } /** * Constructor of a complex number with an imaginary component of zero * @param real The value of the real component */ public Complex(double real) { this(real, 0.0); } /** * Constructor for a fully specified complex number * @param real The value of the real component * @param imag The value of the imaginary component */ public Complex(double real, double imag) { this.real = real; this.imag = imag; } /** * Constructor that accepts a string representation of a * complex number * @param num String representation of a complex number */ public Complex(String num) { double real = 0.0; double imag = 0.0; num = num.replace("(", "").replace(")", ""); if(num.contains("|")) { // In polar form, e.g., "1 | 45" Scanner parser = new Scanner(num); double magnitude = parser.nextDouble();; double angle = Math.toRadians(parser.nextDouble()); real = magnitude * Math.cos(angle); imag = magnitude * Math.sin(angle); } else if(num.contains(" + ") || num.contains(" - ")) { // Both real and imaginary components present, e.g., "2.0 - 2.0i" Scanner parser = new Scanner(num.substring(0, num.length()-1)); real = parser.nextDouble();; imag = parser.nextDouble(); if(num.contains(" - ")) { imag = -imag; } } else if(num.contains("i")) { // imaginary component only, e.g., "3.8i" Scanner parser = new Scanner(num.substring(0, num.length()-1)); imag = parser.nextDouble(); } else { // real component only, e.g., "-5.6" Scanner parser = new Scanner(num); real = parser.nextDouble(); } this.real = real; this.imag = imag; } /** * The String representation of the complex number * This may be in cartesian or polar form depending on * the value of the class variable isPolar. * @see Object#toString() * @return String representation of the object */ public String toString(){ String answer; if(!isPolar) { if(this.imag==0.0) { answer = Double.toString(real); } else if(this.real==0.0) { answer = imag + "i"; } else if(this.imag<0.0) { answer = "(" + real + " - " + (-imag) + "i)"; } else { answer = "(" + real + " + " + imag + "i)"; } } else { answer = "(" + getMagnitude() + " | " + getAngle() + ")"; } return answer; } /** * Calculates the sum of the object and a real value * @param addend The value to be added to the real component of the complex number * @return A new complex number containing the sum of the object and the specified * real component */ public Complex plus(double addend) { return new Complex(this.real + addend, this.imag); } /** * Calculates the sum of two complex numbers * @param addend Number to be added * @return the result of the sum of two complex numbers */ public Complex plus(Complex addend) { return new Complex(this.real + addend.real, this.imag + addend.imag); } /** * Calculates the difference of two complex numbers * @param subtrahend Number to be subtracted * @return the result of taking away the specified value from the object */ public Complex minus(Complex subtrahend) { return new Complex(real - subtrahend.real, imag - subtrahend.imag); } /** * Compares two complex numbers to see if they are equal * @param that The complex number to compare * @return true if the objects share the same value, otherwise false */ public boolean equals(Complex that) { return this.real==that.real && this.imag==that.imag; } /** * Returns the magnitude of the complex number * @return the magnitude of the complex number */ public double getMagnitude() { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(real, 2) + imag*imag); } /** * Returns the angle of the complex number in degrees * @return the angle of the complex number in degrees */ public double getAngle() { return Math.toDegrees(Math.atan(imag/real)); } /** * Sets class preference so that complex numbers are represented in * polar coordinates */ public static void setPolar() { isPolar = true; } /** * Sets class preference so that complex numbers are represented in * cartesian coordinates */ public static void setCartesian() { isPolar = false; } /** * Get the real component of this number * @return the real part */ public double getReal() { return real; } /** * Get the imaginary component of this number * @return the imaginary part */ public double getImaginary() { return imag; } /** * Calculates the product of two complex numbers * @param multiplicand Number to be multiplied * @return the result of the product of two complex numbers */ public Complex times(Complex multiplicand) { return new Complex(this.real * multiplicand.real - imag * multiplicand.imag, imag * multiplicand.real + real * multiplicand.imag); } /** * Calculates the result of dividing the passed complex number * into the calling number * @param divisor Number to be used as the divisor * @return the result of the division */ public Complex dividedBy(Complex divisor) { double magnitude = getMagnitude() / divisor.getMagnitude(); double angle = Math.toRadians(getAngle() - divisor.getAngle()); return new Complex(magnitude * Math.cos(angle), magnitude * Math.sin(angle)); } }