Software Development II

Catalog Description

Students design, document and implement software classes and incorporate these classes into larger software applications. Topics covered include abstraction, encapsulation, declaring and implementing abstract data types, interfaces, inheritance, polymorphism, and simple event-driven programming. (prereq: SE-1011) (3-2-4)


Josiah Yoder
L344 (Library, 3rd floor)
Office Hours
See below
ƖƐ96 ᔭᔭᔭ ϛ9ㄥ Google Voice; rings my office and computer at the same time.
Introduction to Programming with Java: A Problem Solving Approach, 2nd Ed., by Dean and Dean, McGraw-Hill, 2014, ISBN: 978-0-07-337606-6


On successful completion of this course, the student will:

  • Explain the rationale for object-oriented design and programming
  • Translate UML class and sequence diagrams into Java code
  • Apply composition, inheritance, and interfaces
  • Distinguish between extending a class (inheritance) and implementing an interface
  • Define polymorphism
  • Design and implement simple Java classes and packages
  • Document the implementation of small software systems
  • Make appropriate use of exception handling
  • Use classes from the Java standard library to read and write files on disk
  • Use the Java API specification (javadoc) to determine correct use of standard library classes

(Acknowledgement: These outcomes are from Dr. Taylor's site)

Learning Resources

You can learn by:


I want to help you learn. If you have any ideas about how I can improve, please share them with me. This includes changes to the syllabus, class time, lab time, and more.

I enjoy talking with you. Feel free to drop by my office or email me a time that you would like to meet. I will always be available in my office during office hours, even if I am working on something when you arrive.1.

My Schedule (Office Hours)

Time Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
8:00 Class prep Class prep Class prep Class prep Class prep
9:00 CS498
10:00 SE2811
11:00 SE1011
12:00 Office
Lunch Lunch Office
1:00 Dept Mtg Admin Class prep Grading Admin
2:00 Class prep Class prep Class prep
3:00 SE1021
4:00 SE1021

The book

(See Textbook in the basics table above.)

This website

These pages are available from the right menu. They contain:


While I don't mind if you have to skip a class, class attendence is essential so you can learn what material I expect you to know, what HW and quizzes there will be, etc.

In class, I expect you to focus completely on class material. Instead of checking your email or browsing facebook, participate in the class activities and take notes of what you are learning.

If it becomes necessary to consider dropping the class, I am happy to give you advice, but I want you to make the final decision (with the help of your academic advisor). So if you stop coming class, I will not drop you, but instead give you whatever grade you have at the end of the quarter, even if it is an F.


I expect you to do homework. It is the best opportunity to practice. I will give an opportunity to ask about the homework in class

In addition to the homework on my page, you may want to ask and answer your own questions. Perhaps things like:

  • Why does this compiler error occur?
  • Is it possible to _____?
  • Can I combine _____ and ____ into a single program?
  • Why?

If you come up with a question, but can't find an answer, ask me! Perhaps I can find it. I might share it with the rest of the class

You may also want to do some of Dr. Taylor's practice problems.

Homework is not graded this quarter.


This quarter, we are learning the foundations of programming. To ensure that you master this material, Labs are individual.

Because working in lab is one of your best opportunities to interact with me and other students, 5 to 15% of the participation grade may be assigned to "in-lab completion" — graded tasks completed in lab.

Labs will be turned in electronically. These are due at 11pm, with a 1 hour grace period. On uploaded PDFs, include your name, date, and the assignment name. Also, please only submit a lab once. Multiple submissions are hard for me to keep track of, especially if I've already started to grade the first one.

Untested code is buggy. I find that if your code doesn't compile or hardly runs, that there are many other errors in it. To get more than half credit for a lab, it should compile and run when I test it. If it does not compile & run, please fix the lab and submit it later, or drop a feature or two to get it running again (often the best option).

For every day that goes by beyond the original deadline, it gets much harder to catch up on a lab. As a result, after the deadline, you can receive partial credit for a lab, up to 10% off per day.

At the end of the quarter, all assignments must be turned in by 4:30pm on Friday so that we can wrap things up and I can turn the grades in on time.

Please start early and ask me for help if you get stuck.

Learning Assessment

We will use the following to measure your learning:

Lab projects 30%
Quizzes 10%
Exam I 20%
Exam II 20%
Final Exam 20%
Total 100%

I sometimes make mistakes in tallying points. If you become aware of an error in grading, please send me an email, and I will fix it and reply by email.

Discussing things in person is a great way to start to resolve an issue. Please send me the email, too to help me keep track of things.

Please maintain your own records of your grades and check them against whatever summaries I send to you, and let me know if I'm missing an assigment that you've turned in, etc.

Quizzes & Exams

Quizzes will be announced in class at least one day in advance. They will usually be on Lab day.

Because of the difficulty of preparing fair and accurate tests, you cannot retake a quiz or exam if you miss it or do worse than you hoped. I will drop your lowest quiz score, so one 0 should not be a problem. If you need to skip an exam, you should schedule a make-up exam before the missed exam. I don't always give make-up exams, even if students ask in advance.

Grade Scale

I use the official MSOE grading scale:

≥93% ≥89% ≥85% ≥81% ≥77% ≥74% ≥70% <70%

In final grading, I may award a grade higher than the grade scale if I feel it is more accurate than what the "raw numbers" produce.


Your integrity is your most valuable academic possession, significantly more valuable than passing a class or getting a high GPA.

Integrity is essentially honesty -- ensuring that everything that it appears you have done or know is true.

It is possible to accidentally give the impression that work is yours, or to accidentally see something on someone else's exam. If something like this happens to you, please let me know. And generally speaking, please do your best to avoid this. Be on the watch! We are very good at fooling ourselves; we can even not "know" that we are cheating when we are!

On lab assignments, you should not be looking at a classmate's code. You can discuss strategies, but the implementations should be independent. Even discussing the details is not a good idea if it goes too far.

Because of the importance of maintaining academic integrity, I will report apparent academic dishonesty to the Vice President of Academic Affairs. If this occurs, you will get a copy of the report.

Fine Print

1In rare cases, I may need to reschedule an office hour. I will try to both announce this in class at least a day in advance and email the whole class.