SE 2030 - Software Engineering Tools and Practices
General Materials
- SE 2030 Syllabus
- Notes
- Samples
- Accessing
MSOE's VPN (to get to the course wiki from off campus)
- Blackboard
- Additional, optional resources:
- Martin Fowler's UML Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Standard
Object Modeling Language - 3rd edition has a number of
improvements, but the earlier editions can be useful.
- tryGit: an
online tutorial that you can run through in about 15 minutes - be sure to
read through the Advice section in the lower right corner.
See Dr. Hornick's
section schedule for the basic schedule. Changes and clarifications
for Dr. Hasker's section are below, and see Blackboard for all due dates.
- Week 1:
Note 1: course
introduction; Note 1B: UML review
- Week 2:
- Week 3:
- Week 4: Quiz 2 on UML diagrams and
git; Note 4a on git
- Week 5:
- Week 6
- Ant, Use
- Quiz in lecture 2: focus on JUnit and Git + earlier material
- Lab 6: Creating
an ant
script to run JUnit tests is extra credit
- Week 7
- Week 8
- Week 9
- Week 10
- Lecture 1: complete lab
- Lecture 2: Quiz 6
- Final Exam:
- Prep: know how to
- Answer questions from past quizzes
- Use Git
- Draw class diagrams (by hand and with EA)
- Generate code in EA
- Write JUnit test methods
- Implement a state machine
- See the
exam review, with the following differences:
- I did not discuss the terms "cohesion" and "coupling."
- I did not stress "synchronizing" your class model and the code,
but you should know how to generate code from a class model in EA
- The exam has both a multiple choice/true false/short answer section and
a practical section
- No notes for the first part; if helpful, could write a page of notes
for the practical part
- Make sure your computer is working, can access Blackboard, and can use
EA, Eclipse, and Git.