SE 3800: Software Engineering Process II, Fall 2018

Instructor: Rob Hasker (414-277-7326)

Office hours: See my home page:

Textbook: Scrum Shortcuts without Cutting Corners, by Ilan Goldstein, Addison Wesley, 2014. ISBN: 978-0-321-82236-9

Course Description: This course provides an more in-depth discussion of agile software development and quality assurance processes including behavior-driven development and continuous integration. It also discusses alternative development models and current software engineering topics. Course concepts are reinforced by classroom exercises and homework assignments.
Prereq: SE 2800, SE 2832

Course Outcomes: On successful completion of this course, the student will be able to


Exercises:  30%
Quizzes & Homework:  10%
Presentation:   5%
Midterm:  25%
Final Exam:  30%
Total: 100%

The MSOE grading scale will be used, though I reserve the right to award higher grades to individual students if it increases fairness. In addition, successfully demonstrating mastery of course outcomes is a prerequisite for a passing grade. This includes completing assignments even if worth zero points and taking the final exam.


A schedule and course materials will be posted at my class web site I also use Slack and email extensively; I expect you to check for electronic communications at least once a day.

Assignments and Quizzes

Unless otherwise announced, late exercise solutions will be penalized 5% if submitted up to three days late and 15% if submitted between four and seven days late. Solutions submitted more than one week late will be worth zero points unless there is advance arrangement for extenuating circumstances. Other assignments (such as homeworks and online quizzes) are worth zero points if late. Unless you have written permission, all assignments must be submitted before Monday of finals week.

Programs will be graded for both correctness (does it work right?) and presentation (does it look good on the printed page?). I will not be handing out an extensive style sheet for this course, but at a minimum you must do the following:

Most programming assignments will be written in C++. If you have not taken SE 2040 before this class, see your instructor for help learning C++.

Assignments and quizzes are individual unless explicitly stated otherwise. You are responsible for honestly completing and representing your work, for appropriately citing sources, and for respecting the academic endeavors of others. Electronic tools may be used to identify plagiarism. You will be penalized for violating these standards.

Missed quizzes cannot be made up, but at least one of the lowest quiz or homework scores will be dropped.


Do not skip class! If you do happen to miss, be sure to check for new materials and get the notes you missed from a friend before the next class period. You are responsible for anything missed! If you need to be excused from class for MSOE activities or religious observances, be sure to me know in advance. If you're sick, it's obviously not a good idea to come to class. This includes days on which there are exams; just be sure to contact me as soon as you can get to a phone or computer.

When an exam is missed, I will determine whether to give you a make-up exam or increase the weight of the other exams. Students must take the final exam to receive a passing grade unless excused in advance.

Additional Notes

Do not record video or audio of lectures without my permission.

For students with documented disabilities, chronic medication conditions and mental health concerns: MSOE provides services to make reasonable accommodations available. If you are a student who requires or anticipates the need for accommodations, please contact Student Accessibility Services Office at 414-277-7281, by email at, or in person at K250 to discuss appropriate accommodations and eligibility requirements.