CS 2040, Using esubmit

The following directions assume you have completed the code to compute quiz averages.
  1. Log in to the campus Virtual Private Network (VPN); see here for directions. You do not need to do this step if you are in a campus building, but presumably most students are not this quarter.
  2. Visit https://esubmit.msoe.edu/
  3. Enter your campus username (without the @msoe.edu) and your standard password.
  4. On your home page, click on the name of the assignment, exercise1.
  5. On the assignment page, click on the Submit button.
  6. The Browse... button is used to select the file that contains your main. Click on it and browse to the main.py you downloaded earlier.
  7. Click on Add file and browse to the quiz.py you fixed earlier. Note that you can use "shift-click" to click on multiple files from this button; this helps if you have a large number of source files to submit for a lab.
  8. Click on the Submit button.
After a few seconds, you will be shown a page giving the results. These show any differences between your output and the expected output. Ideally you will see "There was no difference between the outputs" for each test run. Note that you can generally receive partial credit for solutions that generally work but have slightly different output, but you will get a higher score by matching the output completely. Common formatting errors include printing a newline after the prompt for an integer or not printing a newline after printing a result.

You can resubmit as many times as you like. We will grade just your final submission.

There are several advantages to using esubmit: you will know immediately if your program produces the expected output. Assuming you follow the coding standard (when appropriate - you don't need for this exercise!) and meet the design requirements in the writeup, you should get full credit on each assignment if you match the output. One challenge is that your output may look a little different than what you expect when you are using esubmit; this has to do with how computers display characters when processing standard input and standard output; if you see what is displayed above when you run your program at the command prompt or within the PyCharm console, then you can be certain it is producing the correct output for esubmit.