Hasker's SE 2811 UML Standards

All Diagrams

This section gives the general requirements; requirements for specific types of diagrams are below.

Note that non-standard cases, misspelled names, abbreviations, and related issues result in difficult-to-maintain code because developers then have to remember the odd way of writing identifiers.

Domain Level Class Diagrams

Domain-level class diagrams must meet the following requirements:

Very high level domain diagrams may even omit attributes and operations; ask if you are not sure if they should be included.

Abstract Solution Diagram

Abstract solution diagrams capture design decisions - decisions that would not be visible to clients - but contains minimal detail. This is the type of diagram that typically appears in the notes.

Contract Diagrams

"Contract" diagrams give full details needed by other developers, including type information.

Reverse-Engineered Diagrams

Use Enterprise Architect (EA) to generate a reverse-engineered diagram. See this page for directions for EA 13. EA 15 is similar; ask if you run into problems. After reverse engineering a class diagram in EA, the only change you need to make is to reorganize the classes to minimize the number of crossing lines and the amount of white space. The diagram is to fit on a single page if at all possible.