All Diagrams
This section gives the general requirements; requirements for specific
types of diagrams are below.
- Use CamelCase for class names, meaning use upper-case letters for the
first word and all following words, lower case for all other letters. The
exception would be class names in some libraries (for example, the C++ STL).
- Avoid non-standard abbreviations. "App" is fine, but most other
abbreviations are not. They make code hard to maintain because other
developers have to remember which abbreviations you prefer. For the same
reason, avoid spelling errors, especially for words within names.
- All classes should be associated with at least one other class.
- Avoid redundancy. For example, if class A relates to B and B relates
to C, there is rarely any need for A to relate directly to C. As another
example, avoid showing a relationship to another class and listing an
instance of that class in the box. The relationship implies the instance.
- Avoid the aggregation symbol (open diamond) on associations. Many
people believe there is a strong distinction between this and other
associations, but in fact the UML standard gives no meaning to this
In general, be careful on how you use UML notation. UML is very carefully
designed to convey key information without unnecessary
redundancy. Non-standard notation adds confusion, defeating the purposes of
drawing diagrams in the first place. This is especially important in the
core notation: using open triangles for generalization, open (v-shaped) arrows for
direct association, solid lines for associations, etc. Learning to use the
correct notation can be very important for interviews because it's one way people
sort out those who have learned basic software engineering concepts from
those who have not.
Domain Level Class Diagrams
Domain-level class diagrams must meet the following requirements:
- Show inheritance, attributes, methods, relationships,
and multiplicities.
- Generally, multiplicities will be either
or *
, and
is assumed if there is no indication. However, if a
problem statement explicitly gives numbers, use those numbers
(like 3..6
if there is a requirement for three to six
items of something).
- Use
for an optional
item, 1..*
for one or more.
- Never write
; this is always written as simply *
- Show role names when they add information, such as when
there are two distinct associations between the same classes. For
- Show directionality if there is a natural direction; for example,
every working automobile has an engine. However, directionality is
often a design issue and you can use just a plain line instead.
For example, the above airline example does use directionality, but
undirected would be fine as well since one could easily be more concerned
about determining the flights coming into or leaving an airport.
- Domain-level designs need to be independent of a programming language; do not
include Java-specific classes.
- This means you would not use Java-specific classes
like LinkedList or Map. Just use a one-to-many
relationship between an object (like a Bus) and the objects it contains
(like Passengers).
- Also, do not include a class that simply contains a static
main; this is also a Java-specific concept.
- Use generic associations. Aggregation vs. composition is an
design issue (reflecting data lifetimes), not a
problem-description issue.
- List just simple attributes inside the class box. Complex
attributes - that is, ones that are instances of other domain classes - need
to be shown by explicit associations instead.
- On domain diagrams, do not mark classes as abstract or interface. These
are implementation issues, and frequently parent classes in domains will
be abstract so the extra notation provides little value. However, these
are important stereotypes for the other diagrams.
- Do not specify types or constructors, getters, or setters; they add
clutter and obscure the important
concepts for clients.
- Do not include constructors, getters, and setters.
Very high level domain diagrams may even omit attributes and operations;
ask if you are not sure if they should be included.
Minimal Solution Diagram
This is called an abstract solution diagram in some
Minimal solution diagrams capture the domain and the design
decisions. They exist in the solution space: that is, they capture
details that are not typically visible to clients such as containers and
design patterns. In particular, a minimal solution diagram includes the
- Domain classes which appear in the solution. If
a domain class has no responsibilities that are relevant to the rest of
the application, then it may not be needed. Be careful about removing
domain classes; lack of responsibilities may indicate missing
- Attribute and method types where known and relevant to understanding
the design, but not all types. Types for simple attributes are
often very useful, but types for methods are often too detailed for this
- When known, Java container classes that appear in the
solution. For example, if your solution will contain a map from student
id numbers (integers) to student objects, include a
Map<int, Student>
in your diagram and add a
one-to-many association from this class to
class Student
. You likely do not need to document the
attributes and methods in these classes since they are just those in the
standard Java library. It is acceptable to not specify the
container if that design decision has not been made at the time the
diagram is being created.
- Design patterns applied to the solution. That is, those classes that
implement design patterns that appear in the solution.
Note that setters, getters, and constructors are
not included. See
Ice Cream Cone Decorator example for a
sample minimal solution diagram.
Contract Diagrams
"Contract" diagrams give full details needed by other developers, including
type information.
- Show inheritance, attributes, methods, relationships,
and multiplicities.
- Make all associations directed. If an association is bi-directional
(two classes both have a reference of the other), show that as two
separate, directed associations.
- Missing multiplicities are assumed to have the value 1.
- Prefer generic associations. Marking an association as composition
(filled-in diamond) can be important, but is rarely important in
Java. There is no reason to use the empty diamond (aggregation) since it
has no true meaning in the standard.
- Mark abstract classes using the notation of your target language. For
example, Java developers will distinguish between abstract classes and
- Unless directed otherwise, include all setters, getters,
- Unless directed otherwise, include all type information, both for
attributes and for parameters.
- Show role names when they add information (as discussed above).
Reverse-Engineered Diagrams
Use Enterprise Architect (EA) to generate a reverse-engineered diagram. See
page for directions for EA 13. EA 15 is similar; ask if you run into
problems. After reverse engineering a class diagram in EA, the only
change you need to make is to reorganize the classes to minimize the number
of crossing lines and the amount of white space. The diagram is to
fit on a single page if at all possible.