This assignment is in two parts, part A is the design and part B the
SPA 5 will give you experience with working in teams to write a larger,
object-oriented C++ program.
Hunt the
Wumpus was an early computer
game. The basic
goal of the game is to kill a wumpus in a cave without entering the
chamber the wumpus is in, using your senses to detect when it is close
by. Along the way you can fall into pits, be picked up by bats, and
discover objects such as arrows and treasure. Atari had a full version
of this that you can play
online, but this
has far more features than we want you to try to implement. A simpler
version that is closer to what you should implement is available
here. However, your
solution must be character based. For example, your program might
look like
Action: N)orth, S)outh, E)ast, W)est, shoot A)rrow, H)elp, Q)uit: e
You hear flapping. You smell something bad.
Action: N)orth, S)outh, E)ast, W)est, shoot A)rrow, H)elp, Q)uit: s
You find an arrow. You smell something bad.
Action: N)orth, S)outh, E)ast, W)est, shoot A)rrow, H)elp, Q)uit: n
You hear flapping. You smell something bad.
Action: N)orth, S)outh, E)ast, W)est, shoot A)rrow, H)elp, Q)uit: n
You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike.
Action: N)orth, S)outh, E)ast, W)est, shoot A)rrow, H)elp, Q)uit: e
You feel a breeze. You smell something bad.
Action: N)orth, S)outh, E)ast, W)est, shoot A)rrow, H)elp, Q)uit: s
You were eaten by a wumpus!
You will work in groups of 2 or 3 on this assignment. You will design your
own version of the game and implement it in C++. One of your early tasks
will be to document the rules of your game and to construct a class
model. Part of your grade will be based on how unique your solution is;
you might hunt moldy food in your fridge, chase Roscoe Raider through the
science building, or be hunted by a large cockroach. Be creative with
behaviors as well: alternative traps and new ways to move about the caves
are also appropriate. Note that just substituting (say) marshmallows for
arrows is not an example of creativity.
The Game
- You must have a help option describing how to play the
game. Ensure this covers all rules.
- The game must be reasonably simple. In particular, it must be
possible to play the game without extensive research.
- In addition, your game must be winnable applying basic deductive
reasoning. In the original game, the player has a reasonable chance of
winning based on educated guesses, just as it is
with modern
puzzle games. You will lose points if winning is purely a matter of
- At a minimum, you must have equivalents for the wumpus, the pits,
the bats, and the arrows (something to pick up). Since
you must use inheritance in the implementation (see below), you will
need at least two types of hazards and two types of weapons.
- No graphics. All user input and output to your program must be
through cin, cout, and cerr using the standard
ASCII character set.
- The map must have a reasonable size, between 6 and 8 rooms on a side.
Larger maps will not be allowed because they make grading too difficult.
- You must provide clues to the player when they approach the
various hazards. Since the gamer cannot see the map contents, they need
clues to tell them when they approach hazards and the wumpus. For
instance, the original game says "you smell something bad" if the player
is in a room adjacent to the wumpus, "you feel a breeze" if the player is
in a room adjacent to a pit, and "you hear flapping" if the player
is close to a room with a bat. In the original, "adjacent"
means either sharing a wall or a corner, and "close to" a bat is
up to 2 rooms away. Arrows are not hazards, so there are no clues for
those. You will need to define your own rules for clues (that must be
documented). The key is that the clues must be strong enough that a
player can deduce the location of the target (such as the wumpus) but
still requiring logic to work out that location.
- When the player reaches the edge of the map, one of two things must
happen. Either any moves that would be "outside" the map must be blocked
with a message, or you must implement a wraparound behavior where moving
outside teleports the player to the corresponding position on the other
side of the map. Note that implementing the teleport feature means that
you must allow the player to detect hazards that are on the other side of
the map, while blocking the player means you must write a message.
- Stick to one level. Multi-level dungeons are too hard for instructors
to test.
- Use e/w/n/s to move in the specified directions. Entering an "e"
should move east; do not have the user enter more complex commands such as
"m" for move followed by an "e"; the "e" is enough by itself. Uniformity
is critical for grading. Upper case commands must be treated the same as
lower case commands (case in-sensitive). Do not implement
the common "wasd" directions - this game is intended for casual gamers.
- The program cannot quit because of an invalid command. Print
an error and continue.
- Your game must exhibit random behavior. Randomly place items on the
map so the user has to solve a different map each time. You can
use rand
to generate the random numbers. Your game maps must be randomly
- Provide a debug mode that can be used to illustrate that your program
works. The debug mode must have a pre-generated map with a full
collection of the different types of objects you have implemented, placed
to show that these objects work as intended. You can also display
additional information if you find it helpful. Enable the debug mode by
having the user enter "d" during game play - it cannot be just a
compile-time option.
- Along with the e/w/n/s, actions to pick up weapons, etc., have
"m" display the full map. This will help
with debugging and grading. Use the following key for this map: a period
for an empty room, an - for a weapon (such as an arrow), + or P
for the player, B for a bat, @ for
a hazard (such as a pit), ? for treasure, and ! for the monster. As an
example, your map
would look like
. . - + .
. B @ . -
. ? . - B
. @ ! . .
@ . . - @
Follow this notation for your own game, though you might use a different
symbol than B for alternative bat-like entities. Having uniform notation on
this output will help tremendously in grading.
- While displaying the map is important to verify game play is working,
it must be possible to win the game without resorting to viewing
map. This means you must implement clues similar to the "you smell
something bad" clue of the classical game. In addition, the monster and other
items must not move during game play unless there is a specific rule such
as "the wumpus moves when shot at".
- Any hints you give the player should be based on being close to an
object; for example, feeling a breeze when the player is next to a pit or
hearing the wumpus start to move if it is disturbed by shooting an
arrow. This is a large part of what makes hunt-the-wumpus a winnable
puzzle game. You should be able to find corresponding clues for any
variant of the game. Do not make the player purchase hints (say,
trading gold or experience points) because this will make the game too
hard to grade.
- Whenever the bat (or its equivalent) moves the player in the dungeon,
provide a hint saying the player moved. Note the original game does not
say where the player moved to, just that the player was moved.
- Whenever the player is killed, say by falling into a trap or being
eaten by a monster, say what killed the player so the user can learn to
play the game better in the future.
- Whenever you create an instance of a class your group writes, or
whenever you pass an instance as a parameter, use
pointers. This is especially important for inheritance, but it is also
necessary to give your team more experience with pointers. Be sure
to use
to return all allocated memory to the heap. This
wouldn't be strictly necessary for a small project like this, but it is
good practice. There must be exactly one delete
executed for
each new
executed. You will likely want to implement
destructors to ensure this happens.
Design Constraints
- Your implementation must be unique, even if your rules are very close
to the original. If your implementation looks like one of the hundreds of
versions of the game that are available online, you will be
penalized. Ignore the online code and you will be fine.
- You must use inheritance in an important way as part of your solution.
You are required to use inheritance for the hazards (either through the
hazards themselves or by having different classes for different types of
rooms) and you are required to use inheritance to support multiple types
of weapons with different behaviors.
- You must make heavy use of classes (have a number of them). This
actually helps distinguish your solution from most of the ones online.
Start with the obvious (domain) classes: maps, rooms, the item being
hunted, hazards, etc. These are the objects in the problem that a
non-programmer would recognize, and using them as the basis of a design
makes your program easier to write and maintain.
- Use pointers for game elements like the map, locations,
weapons, etc.
- Each class must have clear, documented
responsibilities. This documentation must be in the
- All group members must contribute to the solution. You will use
GitHub (or a similar site) for your project repository; see below.
- It is expected that all team members will contribute to at
least a third of the classes related to the minimal requirements listed
above (in the paragraph starting with "at a minimum"). The goal
is to learn about interfaces between classes in C++, and having each team
member implement a substantial portion is important to that.
Features beyond the minimums are not considered when checking this
- Use rand
to generate random numbers.
- Use srand
to seed your random number generator; see the line "srand(time(NULL))" in
the example.
- You might prompt the user about using debug mode and then call
the srand function only in regular mode. You can also set up
debug mode to run when the user specifies a command-line argument. Be
sure to document entering debug mode in the readme file (see below).
- If you are interested in using the C++
instead of rand
and srand
, talk to your instructor.
Part A
This project is broken into two parts. The first is about specifying the
problem, the second about completing the implementation.
For part A, submit a (single) PDF containing all of the following
- The names of the people in the group.
- The URL of your GitHub repository. Your instructor will set up a link
to create the repository for you. The name of the repository will be some
prefix (like puzzle) followed by user usernames separated by
dashes. The username must be your campus usernames. For example,
. The repository name must be all
lower case and have no spaces.
- The text to be written to the user when the user presses the help
key. This must give the game goal, describe the hazards, describe the
hints to the user for the hazards, how the weapons work, and anything
else relevant. The intent is that this text will be copied into an
output statement in your program.
- A high level class diagram capturing your intended design.
The diagram must include the following:
- Classes for each of the game elements such as a class for each type
of weapon. Show generalization where appropriate.
- Include only important attributes and methods; you do not need to
document constructors, getters/setters, constants, and other items that
can be assumed.
- Include types for attributes and methods only if they are not
obvious from context.
- Capture associations and multiplicities, but do not distinguish
between composition and aggregation.
The diagram can be hand-drawn as long as it's reasonably neat, but you
can also use a tool like Enterprise Architect.
- A description of which part of the system each team member will
- A short sentence or two discussing what you believe to be unique
about your solution.
In addition, check in an initial version of the project that builds on all
machines. This should print the primary menu, print the help text when the
user enters 'h', and exits when the user enters 'q'. It would be wise to
write initial versions of class definitions (that is, the interfaces, not
the implementations), but that is not required for Part A.
Some students are tempted use use the code generation feature of Enterprise
Architect to create the initial code. Do not; it adds a lot of unnecessary
artifacts and means you will not get sufficient practice writing C++
code. If it takes more than about 15 minutes to create an initial version
of the project, get help from your instructor. It should be as simple as
creating a "hello world" program and editing it to prompt the user until
the user enters 'q'.
Part B
Part B is finishing and delivering the full solution. This includes the
- Have a friend play the game and confirm it is winnable with minimal
help from you.
- Ensure all code meets the published coding standard and has been
pushed. All source (.h, .cpp files) must be in a folder
called src in the top level of your repository.
- Remember that the standard mandates lower case filenames.
- There should not be any subdirectories in src.
Multi-folder C++ projects do not make sense for the small projects
you create in academics.
- You must have fewer files than classes to ensure you
understand that one file per class is not a requirement in C++.
- The submitted code must be on the main branch. You are
discouraged from using branches for short assignments such as this.
- Ensure the project build files have been checked in to your repository.
- In the top level of your repository, create a file README.TXT
(or, etc.) which gives the names of all people on your team
and build directions that indicate the version of C++ you used, the
build tool you used, the steps someone goes
through to use that tool to build an executable, and where the
executable can be found once it is built. Anyone who knows C++ and has
your build system installed should be able to reproduce those steps.
- Document how to enter debug mode in the game.
- Include any changes to your game (from your stated design) in this
- Use the output of g++ --version to determine the
version of the tool used to build the system. It is very helpful to be
able to identify this when trying to get a system to build years
after it was written.
- Capture a sample run of your program showing that it works. You do
not have to capture every movement, but it should be clear how the player
won the game through the moves they made and hints they got. This will
likely use debug output to show what is happening. Be sure each screen
shot is readable with a minimal amount of additional information. (In
particular, you don't want to include code windows or lots of blank space
in the screen shots).
- In addition to your screenshots, use
these directions
to create a reverse-engineered diagram of your system, export it as
a .png, and include that image in sample-run.pdf. Note
only one student needs to construct this diagram.
- At the top of this PDF, list the assignment name and the names of all
group members.
- Submit sample-run.pdf to Canvas to signal that you are
- See the submission requirements on Canvas. You may need to
demonstrate your solution to your instructor, but this depends on how
your instructor grades the assignment.