In addition to correctness, solutions will be graded for style and design. Additional detail is given below, but here are the key points:
and similar files.
// Track owner, tenant, and number of apartment class Apartment { ... } // Record both available and unavailable apartments in a building class Building { Apartment[] available_apartments, open_apartments ... } // Track current floor and call destinations of the elevator // as well as its maintenance history class Elevator { ... }In general, the goal is to provide enough documentation that another person can understand the modules in your solution, without providing documentation that is blatently obvious from examining the code.
Additional detail:
public void printResults(String[] items, int first, int last, String key);
/* * Course: SWE 2410 * Term: Spring 2025 * Assignment: assignment name * Author: your name * Date: date started */
static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 50; double[] toProcess = new double[BUFFER_SIZE];Except in rare circumstances, do not declare named constants for test code. Named constants in tests just creates maintenance problems.
distance += 10; // add ten to distanceare worse than useless. Don't write a comment if its opposite is obviously false.
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