Exercise 2, SWE 2410: Trained Delivery

Office mail delivery robots have been around since the 1980s. mail delivery robot One of the early ones is shown to the right. Your group is tired of them not being on your residence hall floor, so you have decided to build a simple one that uses a track to deliver the mail. Draw a domain diagram for this system:

As for exercise 1, create a domain diagram for this description. The diagram must be drawn using Enterprise Architect and all students must submit their own diagram. You may work with another student on the model, but you must document who you work with as a note on the diagram.

Include classes, attributes, operations, associations, generalizations (including abstract classes or interfaces), multiplicities, and role names. Using EA, draw a class diagram capturing this information. In addition, satisfy the following:

Follow the directions in exercise 1 to remove all types. Then export the model as a png, convert that to a readable pdf that minimizes whitespace, and upload that to Canvas.